SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries - Gordon Brown - Meeting C++ 2016
Next Video from Meeting C++ 2016:
SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries
by Gordon Brown
March 19-21, Madrid, Spain
April 1-4, Bristol, UK
June 16-21, Sofia, Bulgaria
By Meeting C++ | Jan 26, 2017 07:42 AM | Tags: sycl performance parallelism hpc efficiency
Next Video from Meeting C++ 2016:
SYCL building blocks for C++ libraries
by Gordon Brown
By Meeting C++ | Jan 23, 2017 08:57 AM | Tags: performance efficiency basics
Next Video from Meeting C++ 2016:
Computer Architecture, C++, and High Performance
by Matt P. Dziubinski
By Meeting C++ | Jan 19, 2017 07:15 AM | Tags: intermediate efficiency debugging debug
Next video from Meeting C++ 2016:
Next Generation Debugging
Julian Smith
By Meeting C++ | Jan 17, 2017 04:49 AM | Tags: ranges iterators intermediate experimental efficiency advanced
Next video from Meeting C++ 2016:
Why iterators got it all wrong
by Arno Schödl
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 10, 2017 02:15 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
A nice way to avoid code duplication and gain in readability:
Generate lambdas for clarity and performance
by Björn Fahller
From the article:
Higher order functions, functions that operate on other functions or returns functions, are familiar to those who have had some experience with functional programming, but they often seems magical to those who have not. Some of those with experience of using higher order functions have a gut feeling that they are expensive to use and prefer to avoid them...
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 9, 2017 01:39 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
It seems a simple problem, yet…
Sorting by indices, part 2
by Raymond Chen
From the article:
Before we dig into the Schwartzian transform, let's look at a more conventional generic way to sort by a key:
template<typename Iter, typename UnaryOperation, typename Compare> void sort_by(Iter first, Iter last, UnaryOperation op, Compare comp) { std::sort(first, last, [&](T& a, T& b) { return comp(op(a), op(b)); }); }The idea here is that you give a unary operator op that produces a sort key, and we sort the items by that key according to the comparer...
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 5, 2017 02:56 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
It seems a simple problem, yet…
Sorting by indices, part 1
by Raymond Chen
From the article:
Okay, now we're going to start using the apply_permutation function that we beat to death for first part of this week...
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 5, 2017 02:52 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
It seems a simple problem, yet…
Applying a permutation to a vector, part 3
by Raymond Chen
From the article:
We spent the last two days looking at the apply_permutation function and arguing pros and cons of various implementation choices. Today's we're going to look at generalization...
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 5, 2017 02:48 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
It seems a simple problem, yet…
Applying a permutation to a vector, part 2
by Raymond Chen
From the article:
We left off our study of the apply_permutation function by wondering which version is bettern: the moving version of the swapping version. I'm not certain I have the answer, but here's my analysis...
By Adrien Hamelin | Jan 3, 2017 02:01 PM | Tags: intermediate efficiency
It seems a simple problem, yet...
Applying a permutation to a vector, part 1
by Raymond Chen
From the article:
Suppose you have a vector indices of N integers that is a permutation of the numbers 0 through N − 1. Suppose you also have a vector v of N objects. The mission is to apply the permutation to the vector. If we let v2 represent the contents of the vector at the end of the operation, the requirement is that v2[i] = v[indices[i]] for all i...