
Bitesize Modern C++ : Range-for loops--Glennan Carnie

Today is a description of a C++11 new feature:

Bitesize Modern C++ : Range-for loops

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

If you’re using container classes in your C++ code (and you probably should be, even if it’s just std::array) then one of the things you’re going to want to do (a lot) is iterate through the container accessing each member in turn.

Without resorting to STL algorithms we could use a for-loop to iterate through the container...

KDAB starts the C++ roadshow across the US in September

KDAB offers his current C++11/14 course, a two day training for just $499:

C++ US Roadshow



In September, well-known software trainers KDAB, will visit Boston, Chicago, Austin and the Bay Area with a 2 day training class designed for seasoned C++ users on “What’s new in C++11 and C++14?” for just $499 per person.

What’s in it for me?

The importance of C++11/C++14 in the C++ ecosystem is growing fast and inevitably will become the version most used before long. Every professional developer should invest in learning it and introducing its benefits into projects...

Easier To Use, And More Expressive--Tony DaSilva

Here is some reasonning of the new standard:

Easier To Use, And More Expressive

by Tony DaSilva

From the article:

One of the goals for each evolutionary increment in C++ is to decrease the probability of an average programmer from making mistakes by supplanting “old style” features/idioms with new, easier to use, and more expressive alternatives. The following code sample attempts to show an example of this evolution from C++98/03 to C++11 to C++14...

ะก++ Hints

Within the scope of this project, we publish 1 recommendation/tip on C and C++ programming every day, these tips containing concentrated information on techniques of using the C/C++ language in various situations, and including examples of incorrect and correct use from more than 200 open-source projects we have scanned.

C++ Hints

by PVS-Studio Team

From the hint:

Although the code is neat and easy-to-read, it didn't prevent the developers from overlooking the error. You can't stay focused when reading code like that because all you see is just similarly looking blocks and you can't help just quickly scanning through them. These similar blocks have most likely resulted from the programmer's desire to optimize the code as much as possible. He or she just "unrolled the loop" manually. I don't think it was a good idea in this case.

Bitesize Modern C++: std::initializer_list--Glennan Carnie

Do you know how to use initializer lists?

Bitesize Modern C++: std::initializer_list

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

An aggregate type in C++ is a type that can be initialised with a brace-enclosed list of initialisers. C++ contains three basic aggregate types, inherited from C:

  • arrays
  • structures
  • unions

Since one of the design goals of C++ was to emulate the behaviour of built-in types it seems reasonable that you should be able to initialise user-defined aggregate types (containers, etc.) in the same way...

Bitesize Modern C++: Uniform initialization--Glennan Carnie

Do you know how the uniform initialization?

Bitesize Modern C++: Uniform initialization

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

C++98 has a frustratingly large number of ways of initialising an object.

(Note: not all these initialisations may be valid at the same time, or at all. We’re interested in the syntax here, not the semantics of the class X)

One of the design goals in C++11 was uniform initialisation syntax...

Bitesize Modern C++: using aliases--Glennan Carnie

Do you know how to use type aliasing?

Bitesize Modern C++: using aliases

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

In a C++ program it is common to create type aliases using typedef. A type alias is not a new type, simply a new name for an existing declaration. Used carefully, typedef can improve the readability and maintainability of code – particularly when dealing with complex declarations...

Bitesize Modern C++: nullptr--Glennan Carnie

An article about the null value of a pointer:

Bitesize Modern C++: nullptr

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

What’s the value of a null pointer?

  • 0
  • NULL
  • NUL

No doubt you’ve been involved in the (always heated) discussions about which is the correct one (By the way, if you said NUL you need to take yourself to one side and give yourself a stern talking to)...

C++ User Group Meetings in July

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings, this time its 18 User Groups who are meeting during summer!

C++ User Group Meetings in July

by Jens Weller

The list of meetings:

7.7 C++ UG Chicago - Memory Management in C++14 and Beyond
8.7 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - HPX, C++ parallel programming framework
8.7 C++ UG Bristol - The Anatomy of Exceptional Engineers
9.7 C++ UG New York - July C++ Meetup
9.7 C++ UG Amsterdam - Hot C++, Part 2
9.7 C++ UG Dresden - Lazy generating non-integral values in range-based for loops
15.7 C++ UG Utah - Embedded Scripting with ChaiScript
15.7 C++ UG Bristol - Save the date
15.7 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
15.7 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Traveling for C++, a trip report
21.7 C++ UG Berlin - Ingo Josopait - Introducing the Goopax compiler for GPUs and Barb
21.7 C++ UG Portland - PDXCPP July Meeting-- feat. Jon Kalb
22.7 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
23.7 C++ UG Rhein-Neckar - Presenting for Geeks
28.7 C++ UG Cologne - Monthly meeting
29.7 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
29.7 C++ UG Hamburg - Protocol Buffers
30.7 C++ UG Bremen - C++ Testframeworks

Bitesize Modern C++: enum class--Glennan Carnie

A simple and complete explanation of the enum:

Bitesize Modern C++: enum class

by Glennan Carnie

From the article:

Enumerated types in C++ give a trivial simulation of symbolic types – that is, objects whose instances have unique, human-readable values. In C++ enumerations are essentially named integers that are either assigned values implicitly by the compiler or explicitly by the programmer (or a combination of both)...