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Modern generic programming using the Tick and Fit libraries

Paul Fultz II talked at C++Now 2015 about generic programming.

Modern generic programming using the Tick and Fit libraries

By Paul Fultz II

From the abstract:

C++ templates provide a very powerful abstraction for generic programming. Even so, they still suffer from long and confusing compile errors and this puts an extra burden of complexity on library writers who want to provide flexibility in their interfaces. In this talk, we will first discuss the importance of concept-based type requirements in code in order to produce clear compile errors, and how the Tick library can be used to specify and check those type requirements.

Later, we will discuss how the Fit library can further enhance generic programming. The Fit library provides many abstractions over functions including a way to do sophisticated overloading in a simple and concise manner. We will discuss in this talk how we can leverage these abstractions with overloading to provide simple and flexible interfaces. We will also look at comparison of these solutions with the Concepts Lite proposal and Boost.ConceptCheck.

slides: here

CppCast Episode 49: Parallel Computing Strategies with Dori Exterman

Episode 49 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Dori Exterman to discuss parallel computing strategies and Incredibuild.

CppCast Episode 49: Parallel Computing Strategies with Dori Exterman

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

An expert software developer and product strategist, Dori Exterman has 20 years of experience in the software development industry. As Chief Technical Officer of IncrediBuild, he directs the company's product strategy and is responsible for product vision, implementation, and technical partnerships. Before joining IncrediBuild, Dori held a variety of technical and product development roles at software companies, with a focus on architecture, performance and advanced technologies. He is an expert and frequent speaker on technological advancement in development tools specializing in Embarcadero (formerly Borland) environments, and manages the Israeli development forum for these tools.

CppCast Episode 48: Clean Code with Arne Mertz

Episode 48 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Arne Mertz to discuss Clean Coding techniques.

CppCast Episode 48: Clean Code with Arne Mertz

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Arne is a Software Engineer at Zühlke Engineering, a blogger and a clean code enthusiast. He has been maintaining and developing large financial C++ applications for several years. Arne has a diploma in physics and has written some scientific code for his degree courses in Fortran77 and C++ before he started his programming career. Currently he is broadening his view on the software development world by doing test automation, integration, requirements engineering and tooling for a large Java/JavaScript web application. To keep in touch with C++ he continues to write about it on his blog, reads other blogs and watches videos of conference talks.

In his free time he sings in a choir together with his wife and enjoys playing video games. He likes to travel a lot, especially tall ship sailing.

CppCast Episode 47: Software Defined Visualization with Jeff Amstutz

Episode 47 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Jeff Amstutz to discuss Software Defined Visualization and Intel's SPMD Compiler.

CppCast Episode 47: Software Defined Visualization with Jeff Amstutz

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Jeff is a Visualization Software Engineer at Intel, where he works on the open source OSPRay project. He enjoys all things ray tracing, high performance computing, clearly implemented code, and the perfect combination of Git/CMake/modern C++. Prior to joining Intel, Jeff was an HPC software engineer at SURVICE Engineering where he worked on interactive ballistic simulation applications for the U.S. Army Research Laboratory, implemented using C++, CUDA, and Qt. When he is able, Jeff enjoys academic research in ray tracing and high performance computing, with a specific interest in multi-hit ray tracing algorithms and applications for both graphics 3D rendering and ray-based simulations.

In his spare time, Jeff enjoys powerlifting, golf, being an electric guitar nerd, and studying a wide spectrum of music ranging from progressive metal to ambient electronic music.

GoingNative 47: MSVC++ is* C++17 standard library feature complete!

[Updated to reflect the original post's title change. -- Ed]


*as of this video's release date, for the standard library


An in-depth look at what new C++17 standard library features are available in yet another round of STL updates:

GoingNative 47: MSVC++ is* C++17 standard library feature complete!

by Gabriel Ha

From the video:

as_const(), std::<chrono> helper functions, expression SFINAE in std::result_of and std::function, Improving overload detection for std::pair and std::tuple...

How to try these updates:

CppCast Episode 46: Hybrid C++/Javascript apps with Sohail Somani

Episode 46 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Sohail Somani to discuss building hybrid apps with Javascript and C++.

CppCast Episode 46: Hybrid C++/Javascript apps with Sohail Somani

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Sohail Somani is a contract cross-platform application developer who has been working in C++ and Python for over 10 years. He has worked in a variety of fields such as computer graphics, C++ compilers, finance and plain old desktop apps. Sohail's obsession with (or hate of) time tracking led him to create Worklog Assistant, a cross-platform time tracker for JIRA, which is in use by more than a thousand companies worldwide. He hopes to one day achieve time tracking nirvana for his users so that he can finally move on to something else. He might be too optimistic...

Otherwise, Sohail is a full-time, work-at-home dad of 2 since 2007. He enjoys playing hockey and listening to rap music. You can contact him at - but he doesn't recommend that you visit the domain.

CppCast Episode 45: C++ in the Visual Effects Industry with Paul Miller

Episode 45 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Paul Miller to discuss C++ in the Visual Effects Industry.

CppCast Episode 45: C++ in the Visual Effects Industry with Paul Miller

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Paul Miller is a partner and lead engineer at Digital Film Tools/Silhouette FX. He has been writing visual effects and image processing software for over 20 years, and has been using C++ for most of that time. He started his love of graphics and digital music on the Amiga in 1986, teaching himself C with K&R and the Amiga ROM Kernel manuals. In 1992 he ended up Wisconsin, writing software for the relatively new digital post production industry on Silicon Graphics workstations, and has been writing widely-used tools for that industry since. He uses Qt for cross-platform UI, Python, OpenGL, and OpenCL extensively.

He holds a private pilot's license and enjoys going to movies and beer festivals.