Video & On-Demand

CppCast Episode 195: fmt with Victor Zverovich

Episode 195 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Victor Zverovich to discuss the fmt modern formatting library and the proposal to bring it to C++20.

CppCast Episode 195: fmt with Victor Zverovich

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Victor Zverovich is a software engineer at Facebook working on the Thrift RPC framework. Before joining Facebook in 2016, he worked for several years on modeling systems for mathematical optimization. He is an active contributor to open-source projects, an author of the {fmt} library and the ISO proposal P0645 to add a new formatting facility to C++.

CppCast Episode 194: Linear Algebra and Audio with Guy Davidson

Episode 194 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Guy Davidson to talk about his work with the ISO C++ committee including proposals for a linear algebra library and audio api.

CppCast Episode 194: Linear Algebra and Audio with Guy Davidson

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Guy Davidson is the Principal Coding Manager of Creative Assembly, makers of the Total War franchise, Alien: Isolation and Halo Wars 2, Guy has been writing games since the early 1980s. He is now also a contributor to SG14, the study group devoted to low latency, real time requirements, and performance/efficiency especially for Games, Financial/Banking, and Simulations, and to SG13, the HMI study group. He speaks at schools, colleges and universities about programming and likes to help good programmers become better programmers.

CppCast Episode 192: Reverse Engineering C++ with Gal Zaban

Episode 192 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Gal Zaban to talk about Reverse Engineering C++.

CppCast Episode 192: Reverse Engineering C++ with Gal Zaban

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Gal is currently working as a Security Researcher. Her passion is Reverse Engineering with a particular interest in C++ code. In her spare time, when not delving into low-level research, she designs and sews her own clothes and loves to play the Clarinet.

CopperSpice: GPU, Pipeline, and the Vector Graphics API

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

GPU, Pipeline, and the Vector Graphics API

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

In this video, we continue our exploration of modern graphics technoloy. We look at the differences between current vector drawing API vendors, and explore the idea of fixed versus programmable rendering pipelines. We also explain the history of the most modern graphics API currently avaliable, Vulkan.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

Interview with Bjarne Stroustrup invested Doctor Honoris Causa at University Carlos III of Madrid

On January 25th 2019, Bjarne Stroustrup was invested as Doctor Honoris Causa at University Carlos III of Madrid (Spain).

Honorary Doctorates are the highest honor that a Spanish Univeristy gives to somebody for their merit in the academic, scientific or artistic fields of activity.

Interview with Bjarne Stroustup

by Daniel Garcia

About the interview

In this short interview Dr. Stroustrup talks about the C++ programming language, the reasons that lead to its inception, its impact and other related topics.


C++Now 2019 Attendee Video

"There's really not a conference like this one"

Register now for C++Now 2019 at!

C++Now 2019 Attendee Video

by C++ Now attendees

About the video

This video was created by Vittorio Romeo, Lisa Lippincott, Zach Laine, Odin Holmes, Phil Nash, Anastasia Kazakova, Jens Weller, and more


CppCast Episode 188: Kona Trip Report with Peter Bindels

Episode 188 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Peter Bindels to talk about features approved at the ISO C++ Kona meeting for C++20 including Modules, Coroutines and much more.

CppCast Episode 188: Kona Trip Report with Peter Bindels

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Peter Bindels is a C++ software engineer who prides himself on writing code that is easy to use, easy to work with and well-readable to anybody familiar with the language. Since the last time he's been on CppCast he presented at multiple conferences about build tooling and simple code. In combining both, he created the build tool Evoke from cpp-dependencies and other smaller projects, leading to a simple to use build system presented at CppCon 2018. Earlier this year he presented its companion 2D Graphics library for absolute called Pixel at CppOnSea. He's active in both standards development as well as helping out with various things at conferences.