Video & On-Demand

Adding a REST API with Corvusoft's restbed -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video.

Adding a REST API with Corvusoft's restbed

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

Many times you need to integrate your C++ infrastructure with services written in other languages on other machines from other teams. In the past, this might have been accomplished with custom RPC (remote procedure call) networking services that exposed resource data in your application to authorized clients.

HTTP REST (representational state transfer) APIs have become a common architectural pattern for exposing resource data across the network. With SSL/TLS (secure socket layer/transport layer security) connections and the HTTPS protocol, the client/server exchange can be secured. Authentication can be implemented with a session mechanism or the built-in authentication mechanisms in HTTP itself.

This month, Richard Thomson will give us an introduction to restbed, a C++14 framework for asynchronous RESTful processing. After an overview of the library, we'll look at what it takes to implement an HTTP server that responds to resource requests.

Writing a Network Client with POCO -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video:

Writing a Network Client with POCO

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

Networking is often a core requirement for modern applications, but the standard C++ library doesn't yet include any networking support. The Boost libraries have had networking components in the ASIO library, but it looks complicated and filled with details. What if we aren't experts in networking but we need to have networking to support a feature in our application, what options are available to us?

POCO began as a library of POrtable COmponents, so it covers more than just networking. The networking portion of POCO includes:
- stream, datagram, multicast, server, Unix domain and raw sockets
- multithreaded TCP server framework
- reactor server framework
- HTTP(S) client and server framework
- HTTP Basic and Digest authentication
- NTLM authentication
- JSON Web Token support
- C++ server page compiler
- FTP client
- clients for the email protocols SMTP and POP3
- URI and UUID handling
- HTML forms processing
- HTML template compiler
- MIME multipart messages
- SSL/TLS support based on OpenSSL
- WebSocket client and server

This month, Richard Thomson will give us an introduction to POCO networking components centered around writing a network client to talk to an NNTP server. We'll look at the main abstractions provided by POCO and how those are used to build a network client to an NNTP server. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is a stateful network protocol for reading articles from newsgroups, generally referred to as "usenet". Unlike single hosted forums or mailing lists, usenet is a distributed system with no central authority, providing redundancy and resiliency from single point failures (like the host of your favorite forum suddenly deciding they don't want to pay server costs anymore and deleting the whole thing).

Writing a Network Client with Facebook's Wangle is a Fail -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video.

Writing a Network Client with Facebook's Wangle is a Fail

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

Networking is often a core requirement for modern applications, but the standard C++ library doesn't yet include any networking support. The Boost libraries have had networking components in the ASIO library, but it looks complicated and filled with details. What if we aren't experts in networking but we need to have networking to support a feature in our application, what options are available to us?

Wangle claims to be "a library that makes it easy to build protocols, application clients, and application servers." Wangle is an open source library created at Facebook and depends on the folly and fizz libraries, also from Facebook. Folly is what you might call a "support library" containing various utility components that fill gaps in the standard C++ library, or provide components similar to those in the standard library that are optimized for particular use cases. Fizz is a TLS 1.2 (transport layer security) implementation from Facebook.

This month, Richard Thomson will give us an introduction to Wangle centered around writing a network client to talk to an NNTP server. We'll look at the main abstractions provided by Wangle and how those are used to build a network client to an NNTP server. NNTP (Network News Transfer Protocol) is a stateful network protocol for reading articles from newsgroups, generally referred to as "usenet". Unlike single hosted forums or mailing lists, usenet is a distributed system with no central authority, providing redundancy and resiliency from single point failures (like the host of your favorite forum suddenly deciding they don't want to pay server costs anymore and deleting the whole thing).

Embedded Winter: Raspberry Pi 4B -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video.

Embedded Winter: Raspberry Pi 4B

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

This Winter, we'll be hunkered down with embedded programming with C/C++ and some popular single board computer platforms popular in the 'maker' community.

This month, Richard Thomson will conclude with an introduction to the Raspberry Pi 4. Unlike the microcontrollers we've looked at so far, the Raspberry Pi is a complete linux computer system, with a local filesystem on an SD card, ample RAM, ethernet networking, USB ports for a keyboard and mouse and HDMI video. The Raspberry Pi foundation maintains a linux distribution tailored for the Raspberry Pi hardware.

In this presentation, we'll look at:

What are the on-board resources of the Raspberry Pi?
How do we access hardware resources under linux?

SFINAE: Substitution Failure is not an Error | Top-Up C++ [C++ #02]--WolfSound

Are you familiar with it?

SFINAE: Substitution Failure is not an Error | Top-Up C++ [C++ #02]

by WolfSound

Summary of the video:

In this video, we are presenting SFINAE: Substitution Failure is not an Error, a feature or a characteristic of C++ related to templates. “Substitution failure is not an error” means that if the compiler fails to specialize a template with a given template argument list, it does not issue an error. It does when it cannot find any suitable function/class to be called/instantiated (either due to a lack of suitably declared functions/classes or an error during instantiation).

Embedded Programming with Raspberry Pi Pico -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video.

Embedded Programming with Raspberry Pi Pico

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

This Winter, we'll be hunkered down with embedded programming with C/C++ and some popular single board computer platforms popular in the 'maker' community.

This month, Richard Thomson will continue with an introduction to the Raspberry Pi Pico. The Pico is an inexpensive yet powerful single board microcontroller, costing only $4 It features more RAM than the Arduino Uno and considerably more processing power. The RP2040 CPU is a dual core 133 MHz Arm Cortex-M0+ with a selection of integrated peripherals. The CPU was custom designed by the Raspberry Pi foundation to address the specific needs of the maker community. The Arduino IDE can be used to program the Pico as with the Uno. With integrated USB controller, the Pico can implement a USB host or device.

CopperSpice: Auto is Not a Data Type

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

Auto is Not a Data Type

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

Did you think auto was added in C++11? Is auto always used in place of a data type? Watch our new video as we answer these questions and explain how auto interacts with overload resolution and concepts.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

Audio Programming with Cinder -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video.

Audio Programming with Cinder

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

This Fall we will look into some audio libraries for C++ developers. A couple years ago we took a general look at Cinder. Cinder is a C++ library for programming with aesthetic intent - the sort of development often called creative coding. This includes domains like graphics, audio, video, and computational geometry. Cinder is cross-platform, with official support for macOS, Windows, Linux, iOS, and Windows UWP.

This month, Richard Thomson will give us a more in-depth look at audio programming with Cinder. We'll start with a look at the "voice API", which is suitable for simple audio playback. Next, we'll dive deeper by looking at the "modular API" for more advanced audio processing, including digital signal processing.