
N4318: Proposal to add an absolute difference function to the C++ Standard Library -- J. Turnbull

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Document number: N4318

Date: 2014-09-21

Proposal to add an absolute difference function to the C++ Standard Library

by Jeremy Turnbull


This document proposes the addition of the abs_diff() template function to the C++ Standard Library. This function computes the absolute difference between two parameters of a type that supports the operator<() and operator-() functions, or other functions of equivalent logic, without computing a logically negative value during function execution.

N4274: Relaxing Packaging Rules for Exceptions... Proposed Wording (Revision 1) -- A. Robison et al.

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4274

Date: 2014-11-14

Relaxing Packaging Rules for Exceptions Thrown by Parallel Algorithms - Proposed Wording (Revision 1)

by Arch D. Robison, Jared Hoberock, Artur Laksberg


N4157 described the rationale for changing a future revision of N4105 to relax exception packaging rules. Speci cally, the change permits an implementation to throw an exception that is not an exception_list if only one invocation of an element access function throws an exception. Unfortunately, the proposed wording in N4157 did not completely fix the problem. This document proposes new rewording.

N4317: New Safer Functions to Advance Iterators -- Patrick Grace

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Document number: N4317

Date: 2014-11-17

New Safer Functions to Advance Iterators

by Patrick Grace


This is a simple proposal to add new safer more robust versions of advance, next, and prev for iterators to the standard C++ library.

N4315: make_array, revision 3 -- Zhihao Yuan

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4315

Date: 2014-11-07

make_array, revision 3

by Zhihao Yuan


Changes since N4065

  • Merge make_array and array_of into one.
  • Cleanup notes for presentation.

N4314: Data-Invariant Functions (revision 2) -- Jens Maurer

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4314

Date: 2014-11-15

Data-Invariant Functions (revision 2)

by Jens Maurer


This paper proposes a small set of functions performing common tasks with physical execution properties that do not vary with (specified parts of) the input values. Such functions are called data-invariant functions. It is the responsibility of the implementation to ensure that they remain data-invariant even when optimizing.

N4309: Return type deduction for explicitly-defaulted & deleted special member functions -- M. Price

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4309

Date: 2014-11-17

Return type deduction for explicitly-defaulted and deleted special member functions

by Miohael Price


Proposes to allow auto and declspec(auto) as the type-specifiers for the return type of explicitly-defaulted and deleted special member functions. It seems this case was left out of N3638.

N4263: Toward a concept-enabled standard library -- Matt Austern et al.

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4263

Date: 2014-11-04

Toward a concept-enabled standard library

by Matt Austern, Gabriel Dos Reis, Eric Niebler, Bjarne Stroustrup, Herb Sutter, Andrew Sutton, Jeffrey Yasskin


Now that the Concepts Lite TS is (almost) done, the next step is a version of the standard library that uses Concepts. Here are some informal notes on what we might want from such a library and what some of the incremental steps are for getting there.

N4316: std::rand replacement, revision 2 -- Zhihao Yuan

A new WG21 paper is available. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Document number: N4316

Date: 2014-11-08

std::rand replacement, revision 2

by Zhihao Yuan


Changes since N4217

  • Rename the seeding utility to reseed, which resets the distributions’ states if needed, based on SG6 comments.
  • Cleanup the wording with the term “unpredictable state” stolen from Walter’s paper[1].
  • Ask the question about exposing the per-thread engine in Future Issues.
  • Update motivation to reflect the status quo.


Illinois Hosts International C++ Standards Conference -- Tom Moone

Following the recent ISO C++ meeting hosted by Riverbed and the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, the University posted this summary of the event:

Illinois Hosts International C++ Standards Conference

By Tom Moone 

The article includes a link to Bjarne Stroustrup's talk to the faculty and students:

Illinois was selected as the location for this conference for two reasons. First, the location was capable of providing a week’s worth of meeting space for the 100 or so attendees in plenary and breakout sessions from 8 a.m. to 10 p.m. Second, the department, together with the local office of Riverbed Technology, offered to host the conference. “We are entirely dependent on being invited,” explained Sutter. “So we are very grateful to the department for accommodating us.”

On Monday evening of the conference, Stroustrup gave a talk as part of the CS Department’s Distinguished Lecture Series titled “C++ as a Modern Language.” In the talk he explained how to program in that language using type safety, resource safety, unmatched performance, and a terse notation. Enthusiasm for this lecture was literally overwhelming as the audience filled auditorium in the Siebel center to standing room only, and two overflow rooms were opened up to watch the talk with a live stream.