Product News

Codeplay implements MKL-BLAS for NVIDIA GPUs using SYCL and DPC++

SYCL is an open standard developed by the Khronos™ Group that enables developers to write code for heterogeneous systems using standard C++.

Codeplay implements MKL-BLAS for NVIDIA GPUs using SYCL and DPC++

by Codeplay

About the release:

Software developers are looking more than ever at how they can accelerate their applications without having to write optimized processor specific code. SYCL is the industry standard for C++ acceleration, giving developers a platform to write high-performance code in standard C++, unlocking the performance of accelerators and specialized processors.

The oneMKL BLAS library is the first math library implementation for oneAPI to enable support for NVIDIA GPUs and uses the interoperability features implemented by DPC++. This work consists of a major open source contribution to the oneAPI intiative by Codeplay. It also represents an opportunity for developers to use SYCL as an alternative to using CUDA for developing high performance parallel applications.

Boost Version 1.73.0

With two new libraries.

Boost Version 1.73.0

From the article:

New Libraries

  • Nowide: Standard library functions with UTF-8 API on Windows, from Artyom Beilis.
  • StaticString: A dynamically resizable string of characters with compile-time fixed capacity and contiguous embedded storage, from Vinnie Falco and Krystian Stasiowski


How to Use C++ for Azure Storage--Bartlomiej Filipek


How to Use C++ for Azure Storage

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

Blob storage is an object storage service you use in Azure. It is designed for storing large volumes of unstructured data, including text, binary data, images, and text. In this service, your data is stored in containerized blobs with a directory-like structure. You can use blob storage to ensure flexible access to storage, high availability, and data consistency. Read on to learn how you can use C++ with Azure storage...

Finding build bottlenecks with C++ Build Insights--Kevin Cadieux

Did you try it?

Finding build bottlenecks with C++ Build Insights

by Kevin Cadieux

From the article:

C++ Build Insights offers more than one way to investigate your C++ build times. In this article, we discuss two methods that you can use to identify bottlenecks in your builds: manually by using the vcperf analysis tool, or programmatically with the C++ Build Insights SDK. We present a case study that shows how to use these tools to speed up the Git for Windows open source project. We hope these tutorials will come in handy when analyzing your own builds...

ReSharper C++ 2020.1 is now released! -- Elvira Mustafina

A new version of the Visual Studio integration ReSharper C++ by Jetbrains has be released.

ReSharper C++ 2020.1: New C++20 Features

by Elvira Mustafina

From the article:

Here is a quick overview of the main highlights. If you are interested in the specific details, please read on:

  • Better C++20 support, including constrained type placeholders, abbreviated function templates, using enum declarations, and template syntax for lambdas.
  • New inspections with quick-fixes.
  • Rearrange Code and Complete Statement.
  • For game developers, ReSharper C++ introduces initial support for the High Level Shading Language and adheres more closely to the Unreal Engine guidelines.

PVS-Studio 7.07

The PVS-Studio team is now working remotely and continuing to actively develop the product by adding new features and diagnostics. We write articles, for example, about the GCC 10 check or the DeepCode review. Sure, we continue pushing out releases.

PVS-Studio 7.07

by Svyatoslav Razmyslov

From the article:

In between the analyzer releases, Microsoft pushed out several updates for the Visual C++ compiler, which comprised initial support of the C++20 standard, for example, concepts. Unfortunately, when running the analyzer some users stumbled upon the error V003 - Unrecognized error found. We're glad to inform that this error is fixed in PVS-Studio 7.07. Concepts are supported.


CLion 2020.1 release is here!

Welcome the fresh CLion 2020.1 release!

CLion 2020.1: Dozens of Improvements Across the IDE, and Benefits for CUDA and Embedded Projects

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

Here is a quick overview of the main highlights. If you are interested in the specific details, please read on:

  • CUDA projects: code assistance in CUDA C/C++ code, an updated New Project wizard, support for CUDA file extensions
  • Embedded development: support for the IAR compiler and a plugin for PlatformIO
  • Windows projects: support for Clang-cl and an LLDB-based debugger for the Visual Studio C++ toolchain
  • Clang-based tools update
  • Refactorings, formatter, documentation, and editor enhancements
  • Run/Debug configurations
  • IntelliJ Platform updates

corobatch: using coroutines to batch operations with no effort--Francesco Zoffoli


corobatch: using coroutines to batch operations with no effort

by Francesco Zoffoli

From the article:

Often performing operations in batch is more efficient than doing them one at a time. Typical examples could be most kinds of I/O, or vectorized instructions.

Unfortunately, doing operations on groups of items at the same time can be much less readable than doing them one element at a time...