
CppCon 2022 Diversity Dinner - Call for mini-talk proposals

CppCon 2022 is just a month away! Here's an update on the Diversity Dinner and workshop, with a CfP for mini-talks:

CppCon 2022 Call For Proposals Diversity Dinner

by Timur Doumler

From the announcement:

We’re happy to announce the Call For Proposals for our Diversity Dinner Event at CppCon 2022!

This year, CppCon’s Diversity Dinner, which will be held on-site at the Gaylord Rockies in Aurora on Wednesday, September 14th, will be expanded to include a workshop to discuss processes, experiences, and paths forward for improving diversity and inclusion in the C++ community.

We are planning a series of 10-minute mini-talks, and we would like you to present at the event! Please submit your mini-talk proposal here by 28 August 2022. You will be notified about the acceptance decision soon afterwards.

The 10-minute mini-talks should be relevant to our audience. While any proposals on the topic of diversity and inclusion in the C++ community are welcome, this year we would like to focus particularly on the empowerment of our attendees. For example, great topics would be anything from “What did I learn from my experience as a deaf software developer” to “How to negotiate to get a 30% raise” or “What’s the best way to get everyone’s input in a diverse team”. Feel free to share your experience, thoughts, and tips!

Whether you’d like to be a presenter, or just attend the Diversity Dinner, listen, and participate in the discussion, please make sure you register for CppCon and book your ticket for the Diversity Dinner. We look forward to seeing many of you there!

Talks and Speaker for Meeting C++ 2022 released

Since yesterday its possible to have a first look at the program of Meeting C++ 2022

A first view on the talks and speakers of Meeting C++ 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

I'm excited to release this update for Meeting C++ 2022: the talks and speakers for this years conference!

As you can see in the talk listing, this is still an ongoing process, getting the speaker pictures from the new speakers for this year will still take a while. Creating the schedule will also take a few weeks, as of now Tracks A and B are planned on site, with Tracks C and D being part of the online part.

CopperSpice: Is Virtual Of Value?

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

Is Virtual Of Value

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

Virtual methods have a specific meaning in C++. Are virtual destructors the same? Where does virtual have no meaning? Can using virtual cause UB? Watch our new video and find out if you really know the difference between delete and destroy.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

Adding a REST API with Pistache -- Richard Thomson

Utah C++ Programmers has released a new video:

Adding a REST API with Pistache

by Richard Thomson

From the video description:

Many times you need to integrate your C++ infrastructure with services written in other languages on other machines from other teams. In the past, this might have been accomplished with custom RPC (remote procedure call) networking services that exposed resource data in your application to authorized clients.

HTTP REST (representational state transfer) APIs have become a common architectural pattern for exposing resource data across the network. With SSL/TLS (secure socket layer/transport layer security) connections and the HTTPS protocol, the client/server exchange can be secured. Authentication can be implemented with a session mechanism or the built-in authentication mechanisms in HTTP itself.

This month, Richard Thomson will give us an introduction to pistache, a high-performance REST toolkit written in C++. After an overview of the library, we'll look at what it takes to implement an HTTP server that responds to resource requests.

Lessons Learned from Packaging 10,000+ C++ Projects - Bret Brown & Daniel Ruoso - CppCon 2021

Registration is now open for CppCon 2022, which starts on September 11 and will again be held both in person and online. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year’s conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2022 to attend in person, online, or both!

Lessons Learned from Packaging 10,000+ C++ Projects

by Bret Brown & Daniel Ruoso

Summary of the video:

At Bloomberg, we maintain a system that coherently builds and integrates more than 10,000 C++ packages that are maintained independently by thousands of software engineers on hundreds of teams across our Engineering department. In this talk, we will go over the lessons we have learned about maintaining these packages, as well as how package management should interact with third-party libraries, third-party tools, build systems, IDEs, static analysis tools, and refactoring automation. We hope this will start a conversation around the potential requirements for a more complete package management solution in the C++ ecosystem.

Improved automated instance construction in C++--Marius Elvert

The series continue.

Improved automated instance construction in C++

by Marius Elvert

From the article:

In my last blog post, I wrote about how I am automatically deducing constructor parameters in my dependency injection container. The approach had a major drawback: It worked only for 2 or more parameters, since there was an ambiguity with copy- or move-constructors with exactly one parameter...