
ACCU 2017 Early Bird Ends Soon

The early bird rates for the upcomming ACCU 2017 conference in Bristol, UK ends midnight on Monday 6th March 2017.

ACCU 2017 Conference Registration

by the ACCU conference

About the conference:

ACCU 2017 is set to be bigger and better than ever, with keynotes from Herb Sutter, Frances Buontempo, Brad Chamberlain and Russ Miles. There are also Pre-Conference Tutorials available on Tuesday 24th April, and 5 parallel streams of informative presentations/discussions throughout the course of the week. With origins in the C User Group UK and the European C++ User Group, ACCU remains proud of its C and C++ heritage and is arguably the premier UK and European conference covering these languages. Whilst celebrating its C origins, ACCU also offers its polyglot programmers insight and new trends on native and other programming languages. It’s one not to be missed!

Coding dojo in C++ Madrid | March 2017 @ Tuenti

Madrid's C++ meetup is organizing a Coding Dojo at Tuenti's HQ (calle Valverde, ID required).

Title: Coding "dojo" C++ moderno (C++11, C++14)

Organized by C++ Madrid

Several katas will be proposed by Manu Sánchez, Diego Rodríguez-Losada and Esteve Fernández which will be solved and discussed in common. Read more in the link above [in Spanish].


We've got a full house already!! Thanks for your interest.

Slides of the 24th of January 2017 BeCPP Meeting

BeCPP_Logo_282x64.pngOn 24th of January 2017, the Belgian C++ Users Group had their next event sponsored by Nikon Nobel Biocare.

Slides of the 24th of January 2017 BeCPP Meeting

There were two presentations:

  • "BeC++17 – Part II" (Peter Van Weert)
  • "Our Journey to C++" (Cosmin Cremarenco)

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them from the BeCPP website.

emBO++: Embedded C++ Conference in Bochum

embo.PNGA new embedded C++ conference will be held next month in Germany:

emBO++: Embedded C++ Conference

Bochum, Germany

From the announcement:

Worldwide there are more than one billion devices that could be thought of as embedded systems. All of them have been programmed at least once in their lives. While most systems still run plain old C-Code, a new generation of compilers, devices and language features encourage us to use more modern C++ in the world of embedded systems.

Modern C++ allows us to express ourselves better to the compiler and the hardware than ever before. It is our task, our responsibility and our passion to create better IT infrastructure. Out of this passion the emBO++ has been instantiated. A convention for developers, technologists and C++-enthusiasts. Come and join us, and let us influence more than a billion devices!

ACCU 2017 Schedule has been published -- ACCU conference committee

The schedule for the upcoming ACCU 2017 conference in Bristol, UK from 2017-04-26 to 2017-04-29 has been published.

ACCU 2017 Schedule

by ACCU conference committee

About the schedule

Again we have very strong C++ tracks this year!

Beside a closing keynote by Herb Sutter, where he wants to make a public announcement on an upcoming C++ development, there will be great C++ talks by members of the ISO C++ committee, other known C++ speakers and new faces to the C++ world.

Four full day tutorials take place the day before the conference, three with C++ content.

So don't forget to register

C++Now 2017 Call for Submissions is Live

C++Now 2017 will be held in Aspen, May 15–20, 2017.

C++Now 2017 Call for Submissions

From the invitation:

C++Now builds upon the resounding success of previous BoostCon and C++Now conferences, We look forward to considering your proposals, among those from leading speakers from the entire C++ community, to make C++Now 2017 even better.

The C++Now Conference is dedicated to discussion and education about C++, an open and free language and standard.  Our Conference will focus on discussion and education about open source software usage and developments in the C++ developer and user community. To reflect the breadth of the C++ and Boost communities, the conference includes sessions aimed at three constituencies: C++ and Boost end-users, hard-core library and tool developers, and researchers pushing the boundaries of computing. The program fosters interaction and engagement within and across those groups, with an emphasis on discussion.

As a multi-paradigm language, C++ is a melting pot with the most compelling ideas from other programming communities blended in powerful ways. Historically, some of the most popular sessions at C++Now have highlighted these concepts, from DSLs to functional programming to transactional memory and more.  Bring your C#, Python, Ruby or Haskell influences to bear in an environment that will broaden their exposure.

Presentations at C++Now 2017 should generally focus on the now established C++11 and C++14 standards, the upcoming C++17 standard, and how those standards shape C++’s future. However, by no means is this intended to restrict the topics of proposals we hope to see. Any other topic related to C++, as described below, is suitable for submission.

This year’s window for submitting is shorter than normal. Submissions must be in by February 3rd, less than four weeks away.

Report from using std::cpp 2016 -- Daniel Garcia

Daniel Garcia reports from the recent std::cpp conference:

Conference Report

by Daniel Garcia

From the report:

Last November 24th we had the fourth edition of using std::cpp, our annual spanish conference on C++ for professional developers. The conference is a one-day free event held every year at University Carlos III of Madrid, in Leganés. We had around 200 registered attendees (most of them professional developers).

We would like to share some answers from the evaluation questionaries:

  • 75% of attendees were professional developers, 14% were students, and 11% were academics.
  • 92% declared they use regularly C++.
  • The most popular version of C++ was C++11 (73%), followed by C++98/03 (63%) and C++14 (21%). Note that you could vote for more than one. However, no one declared to make use of any extension or TS.
  • Most popular compiler was gcc (60%), followed by Microsoft (57%), and clang++ (14%).
  • When we asked for domains a found a split among multiple sectors: telco (20%), aerospace/naval (11%), civil engineering (9%), bank/finance/insurance (7%), developer tools (7%), videogames (6%), research/academia (4%), transport (4%), industrial manufacturing (2%).


C++17 Talks by Nicolai Josuttis @ NDC London

Nicolai Josuttis speaks on the upcoming NDC conference in London about:


C++17 Core and Library Features

by Nicolai Josuttis

About the talk:

On January 19, 2017, Nicolai Josuttis, the author of The C++ Standard Library, will give two talks at the NDC conference in London about the core and library features of the upcoming C++17.


Slides of the 24th of November 2016 BeCPP Meeting

BeCPP_Logo_282x64.pngOn 24th of November, the Belgian C++ Users Group had their next event sponsored by Nikon Metrology.

Slides of the 24th of November 2016 BeCPP Meeting

There were two presentations:

  • "Mobile App Development for Multiple Platforms with Visual C++, 2016" (Marc Gregoire)
  • "What’s new in C++17?" (Peter Van Weert)

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them from the BeCPP website.