
ACCU Early Bird Tickets and Workshops Now Available -- ACCU


The 2024 ACCU Conference has published workshops and opened Early Bird tickets.

Early-bird tickets and workshops now available

From the article:

At time of writing our Early Bird rates are in effect, but hurry! These will end on 15th February, after which standard rates will apply. As ever the cheapest way to get tickets is to be, or become, an ACCU member - so join up today if you're not already a member!

C++ Online

C++ Online is a brand new online C++ conference, including great value training workshops and regular talks, keynotes and lightning talks. The main conference runs from 29th February to 2nd March.

C++ Online, Revisited

From the article:

C++ Online also now has its own website, where you can find all the details, including speakers, workshops and ticket sales.
So go to now!

Releasing the keynotes of Meeting C++ 2023

Highlighting the current video releases for Meeting C++ 2023: the keynotes

With this year Meeting C++ had a unique set of keynotes, covering 6 impossible problems for software devs with the opening keynote by Kevlin Henney, followed by great wisdom about how open communities thrive by Lydia Pintscher. The closing keynote by Ivan Čukić was an impressive medley composing various idioms with Prog(ressive) C++.

All these keynotes are worth watching, a great contribution to our knowledge base as a community. Thanks to Kevlin Henney, Lydia Pintscher and Ivan Čukić for preparing these great presentations!

ACCU 2024 Call for Speakers -- ACCU

The ACCU is now putting together its program, and they want you to speak on C++. The ACCU conference has strong C++ tracks, though it is not a C++-only conference. If you have something to share, check out their

Call for Speakers

by ACCU 

About the conference:

The ACCU Conference is the annual conference of the ACCU membership, but is open to any and all who wish to attend. The tagline for the ACCU is "Professionalism in Programming", which captures the whole spectrum of programming languages, tools, techniques and processes involved in advancing our craft. While there remains a core of C and C++ - with many members participating in respective ISO standards bodies - the conference, like the organisation, embraces other language ecosystems and you should expect to see sessions on C#, D, F#, Go, Javascript, Haskell, Java, Kotlin, Lisp, Python, Ruby, Rust, Swift and more. There are always sessions on TDD, BDD, and how to do programming right.

The ACCU Conference is a conference by programmers for programmers about programming.

The Call For Speakers will remain open until midnight (GMT) on 17th November 2023.

Meeting C++ 2023 is streaming all tracks from Berlin

Meeting C++ 2023 will stream all keynotes and talks from Berlin to the online world. After the conference all livestreams will be available in the online platform to all attendees.

Streaming all talks from Berlin

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Quickly announcing that you can see all the talks at Meeting C++ 2023!

You still have this and next week to get your tickets for Meeting C++ 2023, which enables you to either see the talks live in Berlin or watch online! This has been an important goal for this year: make all tracks available to the online conference once we return to be onsite again. Last year has shown that the online conference adds great value to the C++ community in giving folks access to talk that other wise would be only seen by a small group in Berlin.

CppCon 2023 Back to Basics: Algorithms -- Klaus Iglberger

Registration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting some upcoming talks that you will be able to attend this year. Here’s another CppCon future talk we hope you will enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2023!

Back to Basics: Algorithms

Tuesday, October 3 • 09:00 - 10:00

by Klaus Iglberger

Summary of the talk:

“There was never any question that the [standard template] library represented a breakthrough in efficient and extensible design” (Scott Meyers, Effective STL, 2008)

Originally developed as part of the Standard Template Library (STL), algorithms have become a must-know tool for every C++ developer. They increase productivity, significantly reduce bugs, and improve maintainability. This talk explains why and how algorithms do this. Additionally, it demonstrates why they are an amazing example for good, extensible software design.

CppCon 2023 A Fast, Compliant JSON Pull Parser for Writing Robust Applications -- Jonathan Müller

Registration is now open for CppCon 2023! The conference starts on October 1 and will be held in person in Aurora, CO. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting some upcoming talks that you will be able to attend this year. Here’s another CppCon future talk we hope you will enjoy – and register today for CppCon 2023!

Express Your Expectations: A Fast, Compliant JSON Pull Parser for Writing Robust Applications

Tuesday, October 3 • 09:00 - 10:00

by Jonathan Müller

Summary of the talk:

There are, by now, several well-established C++ JSON libraries, for example, boost.JSON, rapidjson, and simdjson. C++ developers can choose between DOM parsers, SAX parsers, and pull parsers. DOM parsers are by design slow and use a lot of memory, SAX parsers are clumsy to use and the only well-known pull parser simdjson does not fully validate JSON documents and also has high non-constant memory usage. Our open-source JSON parser fills the gap between the existing parser libraries. It is a fully validating, fast, pull parser with O(1) memory usage.

Its main contribution, however, is the API design. All existing parsers verify that a parsed document is valid JSON. But most applications require the data to have a specific structure, for example, that an object has specific required keys while other keys may be optional. Their associated values in turn are expected to be, for example, strings, objects or arrays. Currently, developers need to implement their own checks and their own error handling on top of the existing parser APIs.

Our API forces developers to express these semantical constraints, providing automatic error handling in return. The resulting code concisely documents the required JSON structure and always handles errors correctly. We have found this to be extremely useful in practice.

This talk will show the JSON parser API in practice, compare it to the established parsers, and will demonstrate some elegant generic programming C++ techniques to beginners and intermediate C++ developers.