Articles & Books

Porting my first application from Qt5 to Qt6

An overview on the issues face when porting my first application to Qt6

Porting my first Application from Qt5 to Qt6

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Just this week I had the opportunity to recompile one of my Qt Applications to build it with Qt6. Here is some of the results.

The application in question manages parts of the conference, and hence is written in Qt for the UI and uses SQLite as datastorage, so Qt also used for this and as I learned for a few other things too...

C++20 Ranges Algorithms - sorting, sets, other and C++23 updates--Bartlomiej Filipek

The series continue.

C++20 Ranges Algorithms - sorting, sets, other and C++23 updates

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

This article is the third and the last one in the mini-series about ranges algorithms. We’ll look at some sorting, searching, and remaining algorithms. We’ll also have a glimpse of cool C++23 improvements in this area.

Let’s go...

Overload journal 169 - June 2022

The new Overload is out.

Overload journal 169 - June 2022

In the journal:

What Happened to Demo 13?
By Frances Buontempo
Making mistakes and forgetting are facts of life. Frances Buontempo tries to find ways to tackle this.

Performance Considered Essential
By Lucian Radu Teodorescu
We know that performance is important. Lucian Radu Teodorescu argues that it is actually the most important thing.

Compile-time Wordle in c++20
By Vittorio Romeo
Wordle is everywhere. Vittorio Romeo introduces wordlexpr, using compiler error messages to play the game.

ACCU 2022 Trip Reports
By Phil Nash and Dom Davis and Hannah Dee and Timur Doumler
The ACCU conference returned in hybrid mode this year. Several writers share their experiences.

By Chris Oldwood
Threads can mean many things. Chris Oldwood pulls a few to see what happens.

Design Patterns VS Design Principles: Factory method--Jonathan Boccara

Design decisions.

Design Patterns VS Design Principles: Factory method

by Jonathan Boccara

From the article:

Let’s examine another design pattern in our “Design Patterns VS Design Principles” series, where we relate design patterns to design principles. Today, we focus on the Factory method design pattern.

We’ll see the various forms the Factory method design pattern can take, the differences with the Abstract Factory method, and to which design principle the Factory method pattern relates to...

Advancing the State of the Art for std::unordered_map Implementations --

Several Boost authors have embarked on a project to improve the performance of boost's associative containers.



About the improvements:

Boost.Unordered's new implementation of std::unordered_map (and multimap, set and multiset variants), and to extend its portfolio of available containers to offer faster, non-standard alternatives based on open addressing.

The first goal of the project has been completed in time for Boost 1.80 (due August 2022). We describe here the technical innovations introduced in boost::unordered_map that makes it the fastest implementation of std::unordered_map on the market.


Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review--Bartlomiej Filipek

Did you read it?

Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

C++11 has been around for around 11 years and C++14 for 8. From my experience, I see that even today, many companies struggle to use those standards in production in the most efficient way. As always, with new stuff came benefits, risks, and increased learning effort. Fortunately, with a new book written by top C++ Experts, we have a solid guide on what is safe and what might be problematic in Modern C++.

The book is called “Embracing Modern C++ Safely”.

Let’s see what’s inside...

Projections with Ranges

The series continue.

Projections with Ranges

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

The algorithms of the ranges library are lazy, can work directly on the container, and can easily be composed. But they have more to offer: projections. A projection is a mapping of a set into a subset. Let me show you in this post what that means...

Early Access to C++Now 2022 Videos--Anastasia Kazakova

Come see them.

Early Access to C++Now 2022 Videos

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

C++Now is one of the most academic events in the C++ calendar. Up in the mountains for a week in Aspen, Colorado, attendees dive into all kinds of profound C++ topics, from new language features and proposals to libraries and tools. C++ chats start at breakfast and continue until late at night in the bar. As the conference describes itself, the C++Now participants pushe C++ to its limits and let the community know what C++ will look like tomorrow and what we can do with C++ now!