C++17’s Useful Features for Embedded Systems -- Çağlayan Dökme

caglayan.pngRecently, our team at Meteksan Defense is upgrading its development environment to use newer versions of many tools and programming languages. One of the more difficult transitions has been the upgrade of our C++11 code base to C++17 for our embedded applications.

In this article, I will be showing some features of C++17 that can also be helpful in the embedded world.

C++17’s Useful Features for Embedded Systems

by Çağlayan Dökme

From the article:

C++14 had smaller upgrades compared to the ones we saw when migrating to C++11 from C++03. Hence, there are only a few features in C++14 that you can use in an embedded system.

Binary Literals

If you are frequently dealing with bitwise operations and modifying registers, you will love these literals. Some compilers had extensions that support such literals, but now they have a place in the actual standard.

uint8_t a = 0b110; // == 6 
uint8_t b = 0b1111'1111; // == 255 

Constraint relaxed constexpr**

With C++14, the syntax you can use in a constexpr function is expanded. Check out this post on StackOverflow. The constexpr is beneficial in the embedded world since...

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