Articles & Books

C++ in 2014 -- Jens Weller

From new C++ user groups springing up across Europe and upcoming conferences, to the Boost refactoring and (of course) C++14, Jens Weller has a nice piece previewing some of the things to look forward to for C++ in 2014.

C++ in 2014

by Jens Weller

Note that Jens' list is not complete, but it gives a pretty good overview of what's coming up in the near term with a few more things to be added later.

A small teaser from the article:

I already know that there are new C++ User Groups in Aachen, Dortmund, Heidelberg and Munich in Germany, also a Russian C++ User Group is now meeting in St. Petersburg and Moscow. I think a few others will follow...


Quick Q: Should "property get" functions be noexcept? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: Maybe, but it generally commits you to exposing the internal type (can't change representation).

Recently on SO:

Should I use noexcept for getters always?

Should I use noexcept method modifier for getters always in C++11?

I mean simple getters here that just return members. At least in all my getters I have here an exception can't possibly be thrown. One downside is that a getter gets too verbose:

const std::string& getName() const noexcept{ return name; }

The good side as pointed out in Stroustrup's book is that the compiler might do some optimizations here and there.

GotW #95 Solution: Thread Safety and Synchronization -- Herb Sutter

The solution to the latest GotW problem is now available:

GotW #95 Solution: Thread Safety and Synchronization

by Herb Sutter

From the article:

This GotW was written to answer a set of related frequently asked questions. So here’s a mini-FAQ on "thread safety and synchronization in a nutshell," and the points we’ll cover apply to thread safety and synchronization in pretty much any mainstream language.

Using Regular Expressions with Modern C++ -- Kenny Kerr

dn519920.kenny_kerr_headshot(en-us,MSDN.10).jpgIn the current MSDN Magazine:

Using Regular Expressions with Modern C++

by Kenny Kerr

From the article:

C++11 introduced a long list of features that are in themselves quite exciting, but if all you see is a list of isolated features, then you’re missing out. The combination of these features makes C++ into the powerhouse that many have grown to appreciate. I’m going to illustrate this point by showing you how to use regular expressions with modern C++... the combination of C++ language and library features really turns C++ into a productive programming language.

Quick Q: How can I avoid writing ::value and ::type when using std::enable_if? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: Use a template alias. Several standard ones are coming in C++14.

Recently on SO:

How can I avoid writing ::value and ::type when using std::enable_if? [cppx]

In some of my code, namely the header rfc/cppx/text/String.h, I found the following mysterious snippet:

template< class S, class enable = CPPX_IF_( Is_a_< String, S > ) >
void operator!  ( S const& )
{ string_detail::Meaningless::operation(); }

The operator! is in support of a String class that has an implicit conversion to raw pointer. So I overload (among others) operator! for this class and derived classes, so that inadvertent use of a non-supported operator will give a suitable compilation error, mentioning that it's meaningless and inaccessible. Which I think is much preferable to such usage being silently accepted with an unexpected, incorrect result.

The CPPX_IF_ macro supports Visual C++ 12.0 (2013) and earlier, which finds C++11 using to be mostly beyond its ken. For a more standard-conforming compiler I would have written just ...

template< class S, class enable = If_< Is_a_< String, S > > >
void operator!  ( S const& )
{ string_detail::Meaningless::operation(); }

This looks like std::enable_if,

template< class S, class enabled = typename std::enable_if< Is_a_< String, S >::value, void >::type >
void operator!  ( S const& )
{ string_detail::Meaningless::operation(); }

except that the If_ or CPPX_IF_, and its expression, is much more concise and readable.

How on Earth did I do that?


Type Erasure, Part 4 -- Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski

In part 4, Andrzej wraps up his series on type erasure with a discussion and comparison of facilities in the standard library, Boost, and otherwise.

Type Erasure, Part 4

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

In this post we will be wrapping up the series on type erasure. We will see an another form of value-semantic type erasure: boost::any, and try to compare the different methods.

Quick Q: Is pass-by-value-and-then-move a bad idiom? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: It's a good style by default when you know you'll keep a copy of the parameter anyway. If you have an expensive-to-move type or otherwise want additional control, you can overload on &/&& or else perfect-forward.

Recently on SO:

Is the pass-by-value-and-then-move construct a bad idiom?

Since we have move semantincs in C++, nowadays it is usual to do

void set_a(A a) { _a = std::move(a); }

The reasoning is that if a is an rvalue, the copy will be elided and there will be just one move.

But what happens if a is an lvalue? It seems there will be a copy construction and then a move assignment (assuming A has a proper move assignment operator). Move assignments can be costly if the object has too many member variables.

On the other hand, if we do

void set_a(const A& a) { _a = a; }

There will be just one copy assignment. Can we say this way is preferred over the pass-by-value idiom if we will pass lvalues?

Quick Q: Why prefer making shared_ptrs via make_shared? -- StackOverflow

Quick A: Because it's more efficient, since it can eliminate an additional allocation.

Recently on SO:

Difference in make_shared and normal shared_ptr in C++

std::shared_ptr<Object> p1 = std::make_shared<Object>("foo");
std::shared_ptr<Object> p2(new Object("foo"));

Many google and stackoverflow posts are there on this, but I am not able to understand why make_shared is more efficient than directly using shared_ptr. Can someone explain me step by step sequence of objects created and operations done by both so that I will be able to understand how make_shared is efficient. I have given one example above for reference.

An overview of smart pointers -- Jens Weller

Jens's latest, following up on his pointers post:

An overview on smart pointers

by Jens Weller

From the article:

So, a smart pointer is only needed, when you use new or other means of dynamic memory allocation. In my opinion, you should prefer to allocate variables on the stack, so when refactoring code (to C++11), you should always ask yourself, if this new is needed, or could be replaced with an object on the stack. When you need to use new, you should always use a smart pointer in my opinion. Also some smart pointers offer a custom deleter, which is handy if you have an object that is either not allocated by new and/or needs to be freed by calling a special function.