Articles & Books

C++ User Group Meetings in April

The monthly overview on upcoming user group meetings at Meeting C++:

C++ User Group Meetings in April 2015

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The List:

    9.4 C++ UG Dublin - C/C++ two great talks\, quiz with prizes\, pizza\, ...
    9.4 C++ UG Amsterdam - New data structures in C++11 and Boost
    9.4 C++ UG Dresden - Go all binary!
    11.4 C++ UG Pune, India - More C++ Concurrency
    13.4 C++ UG Denver - Denver Tech Center C++ Developers
    14.4 C++ UG Luzern - C++ Pub Quiz
    15.4 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Encryption & C++
    15.4 C++ UG Hamburg - Operators
    15.4 C++ UG Northwest/Seattle - Pushing the boundaries of C++ Codegeneration
    16.4 C++ UG Rhein-Neckar - Modern C++ Allocators (C++03 to C++17)
    16.4 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - April fools!
    20.4 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
    21.4 C++ UG Berlin - Rationales behind C++ atomics
    22.4 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
    23.4 C++ UG Munich - TBA
    23.4 C++ UG New York - Introduction to C++ Casting
    28.4 C++ UG Chicago - Modern Template Metaprogramming
    29.4 C++ UG London - monthly meetup
    29.4 C++ UG Bremen - C++11/14/1x und Biicode

Overload 126 is now available

ACCU's Overload journal of April 2015 is out. It contains C++ related articles.

Overload 126

From the journal:

Alternatives to Singletons and Global Variables: Global variables and Singletons are usually considered bad. Bob Schmidt summarises some alternatives. by Bob Schmidt

Resource Management with Explicit Template Specializations: RAII is a useful idiom. Pavel Frolov presents a powerful extension using explicit template specialization. by Pavel Frolov

Variadic and Variable Templates: C++11 and 14 offer new features for Variadic and Variable templates. Peter Sommerlad showcases the compile-time possibilities they offer. by Peter Sommerlad

iterator_pair – A Simple and Useful Iterator Adapter: Can you form a new contain from two others? Vladimir Grigoriev reminds us how to write an iterator. by Vladimir Grigoriev

Benchmarking in C++

A writeup of one approach to implement helpers for...

... Benchmarking in C++

by Nick Athanasiou

From the article:

We’ll be creating a framework that attempts to provide a generic, cross platform (standard compliant), non dependent to third party libraries solution to the benchmarking problem and explore the facilities C++ has to offer on the topic. 

The end product will have the following use pattern :

benchmark<time_type, clock_type> bm;

bm. run(
    "Experiment Name"
    , sampleSize
    , { /* code to time */ }
    , "factor name"
    , factors. begin(), factors. end() );

bm. serialize(
    "benchmark name" , "output file name" , mode);


Eggs.Variant - Part II (the constexpr experience)--K-ballo

A link to make type-safe unions:

Eggs.Variant - Part II (the constexpr experience)

by K-ballo

From the article:

Ruminations on the development of Eggs.Variant, a C++11/14 generic, type-safe, discriminated union. Part I explored a straightforward implementation based on untyped raw storage appropriate to hold any of the variant members. It was noted, however, that such an implementation would never be constexpr-aware. It's time to throw it away and start from scratch in order to properly support constexpr...

Bug of the week--Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski

Here is an interesting bug:

Bug of the week

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

Today we are going to see a case study illustrating a bug. Not a very spectacular one: a typical bug one would encounter in everyday work. We will start with the symptoms, identify the root cause, and suggest measures to prevent similar things from happening in the future...

Simple and Clean Code vs. Performance -- Arne Mertz

This article talks about why simple code is more important.

Simple and Clean Code vs. Performance

by Arne Mertz

From the article:

One of C++s strengths is that it is possible to write very performant code. But does that mean we always have to worry about performance and write our everyday code as performant as possible? Should we give up simplicity for performance? Do we have to?

Lock-Free Data Structures. The Evolution of a Stack -- Max Khiszinsky

Max Khiszinsky describes in his recent blog article different approaches to develop concurrent containers.

Lock-Free Data Structures. The Evolution of a Stack

by Max Khiszinsky

From the article

Describing the known algorithms would be quite boring, as there would be a lot of [pseudo-]code, plenty of details that are important but quite specific. After all, you can always find them in the references I provide in articles. What I wanted was to tell you an interesting story about exciting things. I wanted to show the development of approaches to designing concurrent containers.

Quick Q: Why does ~shared_ptr amazingly know how to call the right destructor? -- StackOvervflow

Quick A: Because shared_ptr is awesome and remembers the correct deleter to call.

Recently on SO:

Why does incomplete type of smart pointer data member and raw pointer data member have different behavior when their parent destruct?

In the following code:

smart pointer data member pImpl(class Impl) and raw pointer pc(class CAT) all are incomplete data type, there is no definition of these two classes in Widget.h ...

... For the raw pointer data member, its destuctor is not called when widget object is destructed.

While the shared_ptr data member, its destructor has been correctly called.

... Why do shared_ptr data member and raw data member have different behavior when the widget gets destructed?