Articles & Books

C++17 and its Technical Specifications

The 2nd part of my series on proposals for C++17 deals with Technical Specifications:

C++17 and its Technical Specifications

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Part 2 of my series about the current proposals for C++17. This part is covering the Technical Specifications (TS), which are currently released. Some of them will make it into C++17. Those not making it into C++17...

C++ User Group Meetings in March

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group meetings at Meeting C++:

C++ User Group meetings in March 2016

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A new month, and more C++ User Groups are meeting! There are more details about running your own user group at the C++ User Group page of Meeting C++. My list of User Groups contains now 65 groups, which of the most have been active in the last year, some do not meet every month but most do. This month it is again 25 User Groups which have announced their meetings sofar!

During February I found 3 new C++ User Groups: Sofia, Hannover, Nantes.

The meetings...

Core C++ - lvalues and rvalues--Anthony Williams

One of C++ fundamentals explained:

Core C++ - lvalues and rvalues

by Anthony Williams

From the article:

One of the most misunderstood aspect of C++ is the use of the terms lvalue and rvalue, and what they mean for how code is interpreted. Though lvalue and rvalue are inherited from C, with C++11, this taxonomy was extended and clarified, and 3 more terms were added: glvalue, xvalue and prvalue. In this article I'm going to examine these terms, and explain what they mean in practice.

Another polymorphism -- Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski

Andrzej goes into detail how variants can be seen as a type of polymorphism in his recent blog post.

Another polymorphism

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

In this post we will try to see by a practical example what Boost.Variant is for. You can sometimes see examples that use type variant<int, double, string>, but to me they are artificial: I never needed to use something that is either a double or int; but I still consider this library useful. Even if you are already familiar with Boost.Variant an its concepts of “never-empty guarantee” and “static visitor”, I made sure there is still something you can get from reading this post.

Selecting by interface, an idea almost to good to be true

I had an idea last night...

Selecting by interface, an idea almost to good to be true

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Last night, I've been coding until 3 am. Working on an API which will connect my CMS to JSON libraries in a generic way. For this I did study different JSON Libraries in the past weeks. I almost wrote another one wink Yet, I had the idea to write a generic interface to interface with some of these libraries, so that my own code is not hard wired to a certain API...

Automatic event cleanup in C++--Nercury

How to handle events?

Automatic event cleanup in C++

by Nercury

From the article:

Event subscriptions have a downside: someone has to unsubscribe. Usual approach is to make sure it happens when the subscibtion is no longer needed.

But, can we do it automatically, in a way that is easy to use and extend?

Let's see how it can be done in C++...

RAII without exceptions--Eli Bendersky

Is RAII in C++ only possible with exceptions? Eli Bendersky clarifies the matter:

C++: RAII without exceptions

by Eli Bendersky

From the article:

this post is not about whether exceptions are good or bad. What it is about is RAII as a C++ dynamic resource management technique that stands on its own and is useful with or without exceptions. In particular, I want to explain why RAII is indeed useful even if you have exceptions disabled in your C++ code...

Notes on C++ SFINAE -- Bartlomiej Filipek

Bartlomiej explains in his recent blog post in nice details the SFINAE construct.

Notes on C++ SFINAE

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

This time I’d like to tackle a bit more complex problem: SFINAE. I’m not using this paradigm on a daily basis, but I’ve stumbled across it several times and I thought it might be worth trying to understand this topic.

What is SFINAE? Where can you use it? Do you need this on a daily basis? Let’s try to answer those questions.

In the article he goes into details of Overload Resolution, Where can I use it?, enable_if, Expression SFINAE, Any disadvantages?, and Alternatives to SFINAE.

Revisiting QWidgets & data, refactoring and performance

A follow up on an older Blog post of mine:

Revisiting QWidgets & data, refactoring and performance

by Jens Weller

From the article:

My CMS project has grown quite a bit, and there are a few places where I think I should refactor the code. One of the larger ones is that TreeItem::get<T> returns a pointer instead of a reference. Another one is related to how the Qt UI application is acting when opening a new panel in the TabControl. There used to be a noticeable delay...