4th Spanish C++ conference using std::cpp 2016 (spanish)

At the 24th of November at Leganés in Madrid in Spain, for the fourth year in a row the one day event using std::cpp will gather professional developers in a series of talks devoted exclusively to C++. 

using std::cpp

This year using std::cpp includes the following talks:

  • C++17 is (almost) here. J. Daniel García (ARCOS Lab, University Carlos III), member of ISO C++ standards committee and associate professor in Computer Architecture.
  • Get your types to work. Software developer and contributor of several Boost libraries (example, Boost multi-index).
  • C++ and much more. An overview to the available libraries univers. Martin Knoblauch (Indizen Technologies), a software developer in the finance sector.
  • Test Driven Development in C++. Raúl Huertas (TCP Sistemas), a software developer with long background in the telecom business.
  • Using C++ in safety critical embedded systems for railways. Ion Gaztañaga (CAF), another Boost contributor (example, Boost Interprocess).
  • At a Matlab breakdown... Save me C++! Javier Garcia-Blas (ARCOS Lab, University Carlos III), visiting professor in Computer Architecture.
  • Static and dynamic polymorphism in C++11: Flexibility versus performance?. J. Daniel Garcia (ARCOS Lab, University Carlos III), member of ISO C++ standards committee and associate professor in Computer Architecture.
  • Using templates in C++ to design and implement. Jose Caicoya (Hotel Beds), software developer with background in real-time systems, finance and, more recently, hotel reservation systems.
  • Distributed systems: How to connect your real-time applications. Jaime Martin (eProsima), developer of an open source DDS impelementation.
  • Developing an reflection system for C++14. Manu Sanchez (ByTech), software developer and metaprogrammer.

About using std::cpp

The using std::cpp event has been happening every year since 2013 in University Carlos III (Leganes, Madrid, Spain), where every year around 200 developers have gathered to share experiences in using C++ for professional software develpment.

The event is organized by ARCOS Lab (University Carlos III), a research group focused in applications of high performance computing to multiple domains. It is also sponsored by Indizen Technologies.

Visiting variants using lambdas (1) - - Vittorio Romeo

The article covers a technique that allows variant types (both `std::variant` and `boost::variant`) to be visited using lambdas, without having to explicitly create a functor.

visiting variants using lambdas - part 1

By Vittorio Romeo

From the article:

Visiting a variant is usually done by writing a visitor struct/class outside of the scope where the variant is actually being visited. [...] It is possible to build such an object locally in the call site [...] by implementing something similar to `std::overload`.

The “unsigned” Conundrum--Tony “Bulldozer00” DaSilva

Are you clear with unsigned?

The “unsigned” Conundrum

by Tony “Bulldozer00” DaSilva

From the article:

A few weeks ago, CppCon16 conference organizer Jon Kalb gave a great little lightning talk titled “unsigned: A Guideline For Better Code“. Right up front, he asked the audience what they thought this code would print out to the standard console:

Even though -1 is obviously less 1, the program prints out “a is not less than b“. WTF?

Overload 135 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of October 2016 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 135 is now available

From the journal:

Determinism: Requirements vs Features
A program can easily be non-deterministic. Sergey Ignatchenko considers how to define determinism. by Sergey Ignatchenko

Eight Rooty Pieces
Finding a square root is a common interview question. Patrick Martin demonstrates eight different ways to find a root. by Patrick Martin

Polymorphic Comparisons
Polymorphic comparisons require much boilerplate. Robert Mill and Jonathan Coe introduce a template utility for such comparisons. by Robert Mill and Jonathan Coe

C++ Synchronous Continuation Passing Style
Direct and continuation passing styles differ. Nick Weatherhead explains a continuation passing style for synchronous data flow. by Nick Weatherhead

Attacking Licensing Problems with C++
Software licenses are often crackable. Deák Ferenc presents a technique for tackling this problem. by Deák Ferenc

CppCast Episode 74: C++/WinRT with Kenny Kerr

Episode 74 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Kenny Kerr from Microsoft to discuss the C++/WinRT library, previously known as ModernCpp, a standard C++ projection for the Windows Runtime.

CppCast Episode 74: C++/WinRT with Kenny Kerr

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Kenny Kerr is an engineer on the Windows team at Microsoft, an MSDN Magazine contributing editor, Pluralsight author, and creator of moderncpp.com (C++/WinRT). He writes at kennykerr.ca and you can find him on Twitter at @kennykerr.

C++ Core Check code analysis is included with VS “15”--Andrew Pardoe

Following the core guidelines is becoming easier.

C++ Core Check code analysis is included with VS “15”

by Andrew Pardoe

From the article:

Visual Studio “15” Preview 5 now includes the C++ Core Guidelines Checkers. This means you no longer have to install the C++ Core Check package from NuGet to check your code against rules and profiles in the C++ Core Guidelines. Just configure Code Analysis to include the C++ Core Check extensions.