C++ Modernization Brochure--Don Tait


C++ Modernization Brochure

by Don Tait

From the article:

New releases of the C++ language maintain incredibly strong backwards compatibility, making it easy to keep older C++ code working properly as standards march forward. C++11, C++14, and C++17 have transformed the C++ language in ways that make it as programmer-friendly as more recent languages but with many essential benefits that continue to make it the best choice for the most demanding software-engineering projects.

Modernizing your C++ may be the best way to both improve your team’s efficiency as well as future-proof your software investment. KDAB has broad, deep experience delivering cost-effective, long-term, pragmatic solutions that modernize existing C++ codebases without losing functionality during the process.

Download our brochure to find out more...

Using Parallel Without a Clue: 90x Performance Loss Instead of 8x Gain--"No Bugs" Hare

Be careful.

Using Parallel <algorithm> Without a Clue: 90x Performance Loss Instead of 8x Gain

by "No Bugs" Hare

From the article:

With C++17 supporting1 parallel versions of the std:: algorithms, there are quite a few people saying “hey, it became really simple to write parallel code!”.

Just as one example, [MSDN] wrote: “Only a few years ago, writing parallel code in C++ was a domain of the experts.” (implying that these days, to write parallel code, you don’t need to be an expert anymore).

Inquisitive hare:
“I made an experiment which demonstrates Big Fat Dangers(tm) of implying that parallelization can be made as simple as just adding a policy parameter to your std:: call.
I always had my extremely strong suspicions about this position being deadly wrong, but recently I made an experiment which demonstrates Big Fat Dangers(tm) of implying that parallelization can be made as simple as just adding a policy parameter to your std:: call...

C++Now Announces Opening Keynote by Lisa Lippincott

C++Now 2018 will be held in Aspen, May 6–11, 2018.

C++Now 2018 Opening Keynote is Lisa Lippincott

From the announcement:

Lisa approaches languages from a mathematical point of view and thinks deeply on the meaning of programming. In this presentation [The Shape of a Program], she will encourage us to apply topology, the fundamental mathematics of space, as a way of looking at a program.

We expect C++Now to sell out again. Register immediately so you won’t miss out.


CppCon 2018 Call for Submissions

Share what you've learned about C++.CppCon

Call for Submissions

by CppCon

From the announcement:

Have you learned something interesting about C++, maybe a new technique possible in C++14/17? Or perhaps you have implemented something cool related to C++, maybe a new C++ library? If so, consider sharing it with other C++ enthusiasts by giving a regular program talk at CppCon 2018.

The submissions deadline is May 11 with decisions sent by July 1.

CppCast Episode 143: C++ and Typescript at Ubisoft Massive with Ólafur Waage

Episode 143 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Ólafur Waage to discuss the work done at Ubisoft Massive using C++ and Typescript for application development and much more.

CppCast Episode 143: C++ and Typescript at Ubisoft Massive with Ólafur Waage

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Ólafur Waage is a Generalist Programmer at Ubisoft Massive where he works on the Uplay PC client and services. His work focuses mainly on programming with C++ but Python and C# do appear from time to time. In his spare time he plays video games which is not surprising given his job but he also likes puzzles, non fiction audio books and it would be a very strange day if it were not filled with music in some way.

Meeting C++ is on Patreon

Meeting C++ launched a new community on Patreon:

Starting a new Community at Patreon

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Something new: you can now support Meeting C++ through Patreon!

This will go mostly into videos & video interviews and the Meeting C++ blog. I started doing my own videos and video interviews on YouTube last year, and to compliment that, I decided to also start a community of supporters on patreon. You'll be able to know guests of Meeting C++ & friends ahead of time and be able to suggest potential questions to ask...

Guidelines For Rvalue References In APIs--Jonathan Müller

Everything you need to know.

Guidelines For Rvalue References In APIs

by Jonathan Müller

From the article:

I’ll be giving a talk at ACCU about when to use which pointer types and why.

While working on that I made some guidelines for rvalue references in interfaces which didn’t quite fit the talk, so I’m writing about them here.

When should you use rvalue references as function parameters?

When as return types?

What are ref-qualified member functions and when and how should you use them?

Let’s tackle it one by one...

My Little (String) Optimization, Part 2--Jordan Rose


My Little (String) Optimization, Part 2

by Jordan Rose

From the article:

Previously, I talked about how Clang is smart enough to optimize a series of comparisons against constant strings in C++ by starting out with a switch on the length. I left off with the idea that while this is good, you might be able to do better if your strings have a unique character at a certain offset. Today we’re going to see what that looks like.