CppCon 2017: Coroutines: what can't they do?--Toby Allsopp

Have you registered for CppCon 2018 in September? Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2017 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Coroutines: what can't they do?

by Toby Allsopp

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Coroutines are coming. They're coming for your asynchronous operations. They're coming for your lazy generators. This much we know. But once they're here, will they be satisfied with these offerings? They will not. They will require feeding, lest they devour our very souls. We present some fun ways to keep their incessant hunger at bay. I, for one, welcome our new coroutine overlords.

The Coroutines Technical Specification is an experimental extension to the C++ language that allows functions to be suspended and resumed, with the primary aim of simplifying code that invokes asynchronous operations. We present a short introduction to Coroutines followed by some possibly non-obvious ways they can help to simplify your code.

Have you ever wanted to elegantly compose operations that might fail? Coroutines can help. Have you ever wished for a zero-overhead type-erased function wrapper? Coroutines can help. We show you how and more.

Functions in std--Andrzej KrzemieĊ„ski

The Standard reserves the right to change the signatures and overloads of the existing Standard Library functions in what is considered a backward compatible way:

Functions in std

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

Names of functions from the Standard Library used as pointers/references to functions can cause breakage in your code...

CppCast Episode 157: Modern C++ in Embedded Systems with Michael Caisse

Episode 157 of CppCast the only podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by Michael Caisse from Ciere consulting to discuss Modern C++ in Embedded Systems, boostache and his work at Ciere Consulting and in the C++ Community.

CppCast Episode 157: Modern C++ in Embedded Systems with Michael Caisse

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

Michael Caisse has been crafting code in C++ for 28-years. He is a regular speaker at various conferences and is passionate about teaching and training. Michael is the owner of Ciere Consulting which provides software consulting and contracting services, C++ training, and Project Recovery for failing multidisciplinary engineering projects. When he isn't fighting with compilers or robots, he enjoys fencing with a sabre.

Slides of the 28th of June 2018 BeCPP Meeting -- Marc Gregoire

BeCPP_Logo_282x64.pngOn June 28th 2018, the Belgian C++ Users Group had their next event sponsored by Western Digital.

Slides of the 28th of June 2018 BeCPP Meeting

About the event:

  • "Strongly Typed Declarative Bitsets in C++17" (Ewoud van Craeynest)
  • "The Observer pattern and boost.signals2" (Lieven de Cock)

If you couldn’t attend the event in person, or if you would like to go over the material again, you can download them from the BeCPP website.

CppCon: New promo video, and Early Bird registration ends this weekend

Note: Two days left to register for CppCon 2018 at the Early Bird discounted rate.

Just announced on the CppCon blog, here's a two-minute summary video of CppCon 2017. If you weren't there, here's a fast way to get the feel and flavor of the event. If you were there, maybe you'll see yourself. How many of the people can you name?

Early Bird registration ends this weekend

From the announcement:

No matter when you register for CppCon 2018, you be able to meet with over a thousand other professional C++ engineers, including

  • book, blog, and library authors,
  • standards committee members,
  • compiler and other tool implementers, and
  • teachers and trainers
  • scores of the best presenters in the industry, and
  • exhibitors from all over the world

[and] attend

  • five days of six or seven tracks of peer-reviewed presentations,
  • daily plenary talks from recognized industry leaders,
  • multiple lightning talk sessions,
  • expert panels and special sessions,
  • poster presentations, and
  • social events.

But if you do it by this weekend, you save more than enough money to treat yourself to the Meet the Speakers Dinner...

The CppCon Early Bird discounted ticket rate is available through tomorrow. Register here for CppCon 2018, Sep 23-29!

CppCon keynote: Patterns and Techniques Used in the Houdini 3D Graphics Application (Mark Elendt)

headshot1-200x300.jpgNote: Three days left to register for CppCon 2018 at the Early Bird discounted rate.

In 2018, the ISO C++ committee and C++11 were thanked on camera from the Oscars stage. The shout out was by this Academy Award winner, who will be keynoting CppCon this September:

CppCon 2018 Plenary: Patterns and Techniques Used in the Houdini 3D Graphics Application (Mark Elendt)

From the announcement:

Not only has Houdini been used in all of the Visual Effects Academy Award winning films of the past 10 years, but it has also been used for television shows like Game of Thrones and Stranger Things as well as content creation for many AAA video games, and even for scientific visualization.

Houdini artists are tasked with creating amazing, never before seen visual effects. They constantly push both performance and scale in the software. Since the early 1990’s Houdini’s C++ architecture has provided a flexible platform that has enabled artists from around the world to create their vision.

Mark will discuss some of the patterns and approaches that have been used in Houdini to meet the demands of production, from the early days of dealing with c-front to embracing modern features provided by modern C++.

If you’re not sure what CppCon is like, here are sample attendee quotes from a previous CppCon that came up randomly on the CppCon site this morning:

“The 'star' speakers were fantastic as always ... [they] always deliver, and the fact that you can just walk up and talk to them all week is an amazing experience.” “A great way to learn about where the language is going in the future, and to meet the people who make that happen.”

The CppCon Early Bird discounted ticket rate is available for the rest of this week. Register here for CppCon 2018, Sep 23-29!

C++ on Sea: Call for Speakers

The new C++ conference "C++ on Sea" is calling for speakers until end of July.

C++ on Sea: Call for Speakers

by C++ on Sea

From the call:

Kate Gregory and Matt Godbolt are already confirmed as keynote speakers!

So you'd like to present at C++ on Sea? Great! We look forward to and welcome submissions from everyone, including those who might otherwise feel excluded.

We have slots for 60 minute and 90 minute talks, as well as full day workshops (on a dedicated, post-conference, day). 120 minute talks are also possible (by stacking two 60 minute sessions back-to-back), but they should be rare. We will also be running lightning talks on the first evening, and will start accepting proposals for those just before - or at - the conference itself.

We want to put on the best conference possible. While that means we'll look for a good number of experienced speakers, we also feel that it's important to have space in the programme for newer speakers. We want to draw on as diverse a range of contributors as possible - the less your voice is usually heard the more valuable it can be! So we'd also like to make especially clear that people from all backgrounds - minorities or otherwise - are not only welcome, but we will do whatever we can to actively support you. If you have any questions or concerns about this, always feel free to contact us.

CopperSpice: Special Member Functions

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

Special Member Functions

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

This video discusses special member functions in C++. We examine what they are, how they work, and some operations which seem like they would be special member functions but are not. We also briefly discuss the spaceship operator, coming in C++20, and the implications it has for the list of special member functions.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!