C++ on Sea Videos Are Now Being Released

The videos from last week's conference are now starting to go up on YouTube.

C++ on Sea Videos Are Now Being Released

by C++ on Sea

From the article:

After a fantastic conference last week we're now starting to process and upload the videos to YouTube. We have a channel on YouTube you can subscribe to, or keep checking back to see the latest videos. Please do share them around!

Why You Should Use std::for_each over Range-based For Loops--Jon Kalb

What do you think?

Why You Should Use std::for_each over Range-based For Loops

by Jon Kalb

From the article:

I’d like start by thanking Jonathan for creating and maintaining the Fluent{C++} blog, for the conversations that it spawns, and for letting me contribute with this guest post. Jonathan has invited me to add my thoughts on his previous posting, Is std::for_each obsolete?

Using VS Code for C++ development with containers--Marc Goodner

It can do it.

Using VS Code for C++ development with containers

by Marc Goodner

From the article:

This post builds on using multi-stage containers for C++ development. That post showed how to use a single Dockerfile to describe a build stage and a deployment stage resulting in a container optimized for deployment. It did not show you how to use a containers with your development environment. Here we will show how to use those containers with VS Code. The source for this article is the same as that of the previous article: the findfaces GitHub repo...

Unit Testing C++ Templates and Mock Injection -- Sumant Tambe

Do you unit test your C++ templates? It may be tricky as sometimes it's not clear how to inject mock code into a template. Traits can help! 

Unit Testing C++ Templates and Mock Injection Using Traits

by Sumant Tambe

About the Article:

Unit testing your template code comes up from time to time. (You test your templates, right?) Some templates are easy to test. No others. Sometimes it's not clear how to about injecting mock code into the template code that's under test. I've seen several reasons why code injection becomes challenging.