C++ coroutines: Getting started with awaitable objects--Raymond Chen

So many possibilities!

C++ coroutines: Getting started with awaitable objects

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

Coroutines were added to C++20, and Lewis Baker has a nice introduction to them.

  • Coroutine theory.
  • Understanding operator co_await.
  • Understanding the promise type.

But I’m going to write another one, taking a more practical approach: The least you need to know to accomplish various coroutine tasks...

Lightning Talks from Meeting C++ 2019 are now online!

The lightning talks from Meeting C++ 2019 are now online!

Meeting C++ Youtube Channel

by Jens Weller

From the article:

A few lightning talks I'd like to point to:

Finding hard to find bugs with Address Sanitizer - Marshall Clow

Consistently Inconsistent - Conor Hoekstra

Why don't the cool kids like OOP? - Jon Kalb

How to initialize x from expression y - Howard Hinnant

C++20: Concepts, the Details--Rainer Grimm

The series continue.

C++20: Concepts, the Details

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

In my last post C++20: Two Extremes and the Rescue with Concepts, I gave the first motivation for concepts. Concepts put semantic constraints on template parameters. Today, I present different use-cases for concepts in a compact form...

Named Template Arguments--Barry Revzin

It's coming!

Named Template Arguments

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

C++, unlike many other programming languages, doesn’t have named function parameters or named function arguments. I hope it will someday, it’s a language feature that I find has large benefits for readability. Until then, in C++20, we actually have the ability to do a decent approximation not only of named function arguments but also named template arguments...