June 2020

C++ Lambdas, Threads, std::async and Parallel Algorithms--Bartlomiej Filipek

How do you use them?

C++ Lambdas, Threads, std::async and Parallel Algorithms

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

In articles about lambda expression (like this one from last week on my page), it’s easy to show examples where the lambda runs on the same thread as the caller. But how about asynchronous cases? What if your lambda is called on a separate thread? What problems you might encounter there.

Read on and let’s explore this topic...

How to ask for C++ coding help--Kate Gregory

The good practices exist also to ask for help.

How to ask for C++ coding help

by Kate Gregory

From the article:

Lately a lot of people have been asking me for help as they write C++ code. I’m usually happy and able to help. There are times, though, when I either cannot help, or choose not to help. I thought it might be helpful to explain some of these a little. It’s quite likely that other members of the community have a similar set of guidelines in their heads for when they do and don’t help people with code...