6 Tips to supercharge C++11 vector performance--Deb Haldar

Discussion on how we can efficiently use std::vector<T> container.

6 Tips to supercharge C++11 vector performance

by Deb Haldar

From the article:

Vector is like the swiss army knife of C++ STL containers. In the words of Bjarne Stroutsoup – “By default, use Vector when you need a container”. For mere mortals like us, we take this as gospel and just run with it. However, Vector is just a tool and like any tool, it can be used both effectively or ineffectively.

In this article we’ll look at 6 ways to optimize usage of vectors. We’ll look at both efficient and inefficient ways to perform the most common programming tasks using vectors, measure the performance gain we obtain by using vectors efficiently and try to understand why we’re getting the performance gain.

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