C++ on the Web: ponies for developers without pwn’ing users--JF Bastien

Another video coming from NDC:

C++ on the Web: ponies for developers without pwn’ing users

by JF Bastien

What you will find in the video:

Delivering a program through a web browser really shouldn't force it to be slower than executing it directly on your OS. Similarly, doing so shouldn't force you to rewrite programs that target venerable, cornerstone native programming APIs—modern C++ STL, OpenGL, files and processes—nor should it forbid you from taking advantage of C++’s concurrency and parallelism in order to meet programming challenges like resource-constrained devices, battery-starved devices, and high performance code. Oh, and the browser should keep users secure from malicious sites.
In this presentation we'll showcase some resource-intensive applications that have been compiled for the PNaCl platform and, unsurprisingly, worked just like native code. These include a full development environment, complete with LLVM and your favorite build system and editor, all in an architecture- and OS-agnostic packaging. Then, we'll describe how we deliver native code on the web securely, so developers get their C++ ponies and users don’t get pwn’d. We’ll also touch on the fuzzing, code randomization and sandboxing that keep 1B+ users safe.

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Mark said on Jul 2, 2015 12:15 AM:

Attended this in person. Was pretty darn awesome smile.