CppCast Episode 2: Jason Turner on ChaiScript and Cross Platform C++ -- Bob Irving

Episode 2 of CppCast, the only podcast by C++ developers for C++ developers. In this episode host Rob Irving interviews Jason Turner about ChaiScript and the benefits of taking your C++ application cross platform.

CppCast Episode 2: Jason Turner on ChaiScript and Cross Platform C++

by Rob Irving

About the interviewee:

Jason has been developing portable C++ since 2002. With very few exceptions, every line of code he has written since then has had to run on multiple platforms. He is an independent contractor focusing on cross-platform issues, utilization of C++ libraries from scripting languages and code quality assurance. He is the co-creator and maintainer of ChaiScript, a mature scripting language designed for modern C++. His latest project is cppbestpractices.com: a fledgling effort to gather the collective wisdom of the C++ community.

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