ODB C++ ORM 2.4.0 Released, Adds Bulk Operations Support

ODB C++ ORM 2.4.0 Released, Adds Bulk Operations Support

by Boris Kolpackov

ODB is an open source object-relational mapping (ORM) system for C++. It allows you to persist C++ objects to a relational database without having to deal with tables, columns, or SQL and without manually writing any of the mapping code.

Major new features in this release:

  • Support for bulk operations in Oracle and SQL Server. Bulk operations can be used to persist, update, or erase a range of objects using a single database statement execution which often translates to a significantly better performance.
  • Ability to join and load one or more complete objects instead of, or in addition to, a subset of their data members with a single SELECT statement execution (object loading views).
  • Support for specifying object and table join types in views (LEFT, RIGHT, FULL, INNER, or CROSS).
  • Support for calling MySQL and SQL Server stored procedures.
  • Support for defining persistent objects as instantiations of C++ class templates.

A more detailed discussion of these features can be found on the blog. For the complete list of new features in this version see the official release announcement.

ODB is written in portable C++ (both C++98/03 and C++11 are supported) and you should be able to use it with any modern C++ compiler. In particular, we have tested this release on GNU/Linux (x86/x86-64/ARM), Windows (x86/x86-64), Mac OS X (x86/x86_64), and Solaris (x86/x86-64/SPARC) with GNU g++ 4.2.x-5.x, MS Visual C++ 2005, 2008, 2010, 2012, and 2013, Sun Studio 12u2, and Clang 3.x.

The currently supported database systems are MySQL, SQLite, PostgreSQL, Oracle, and SQL Server. ODB also provides optional profiles for Boost and Qt, which allow you to seamlessly use value types, containers, and smart pointers from these libraries in your persistent classes.

More information, documentation, source code, and pre-compiled binaries are available on the project's page.

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