JSON Voorhees - Killer JSON for C++--Travis Gockel

Yet another JSON library for C++:

JSON Voorhees, GitHub link

by Travis Gockel

From the article:

JSON Voorhees is a JSON library written for the C++ programmer who wants to be productive in this modern world. What does that mean? There are a ton of JSON libraries floating around touting how they are "modern" C++ and so on. But who really cares? JSON Voorhees puts the focus more on the resulting C++ than any "modern" feature set. This means the library does not skip on string encoding details like having full support for UTF-8. Are there "modern" features? Sure, but this library is not meant to be a gallery of them – a good API should get out of your way and let you work. It is hosted on GitHub and sports an Apache License, so use it anywhere you need...

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tortoise74 said on Feb 17, 2015 04:48 AM:

Really missed a trick not posting this on Friday 13th