Template Metaprogramming with Modern C++: Templates in Depth -- Manu Sánchez

Template Metaprogramming Modern C++ in biicode

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Template Metaprogramming with Modern C++: Templates in Depth

by Manu Sánchez

From the article:

The last time  we learnt what metaprogramming was, how metaprogramming in C++ via templates works, and the functional spirit of the embedded language that C++ template metaprogramming is. In this post we will learn C++ templates in depth: Class and function templates, template parameters, variadic templates, all with in depth examples. ...


... Then the fact that the compiler only generates code which actually does something (All syntactic sugar that high-level constructs provide is thrown away):

int main()
    return Fibonacci<5>::value;

GCC 4.9 -std=c++11 -O0 x86 target:

main:                                   # @main
	movl	$55, 

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