New paper: N3528, Minutes of Feb 5 2013 SG1 (concurrency) teleconference

As an experiment to make C++ standardization papers more accessible, we're trying out a new idea: posting links to papers as the papers become available. This does not replace the committee mailings; the papers will still be collected and made available in the regular mailings (about four times a year) and those mailings will also still be announced here. The purpose of this experiment is to try to publish papers earlier and more often, so as to make it easier to get feedback sooner from a wider audience and reduce the glut of papers that need to be absorbed before meetings. If you are not a committee member, please use the comments section below or the std-proposals forum for public discussion.

Note that some papers, like this one, will be mainly informational rather than proposal papers for technical discussion. 

Here's the first:

Document Number: N3528

Date: 2013-02-05


Minutes of Feb 5 2013 SG1 Phone Call

by Pablo Halpern


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