cpp-netlib.org is here!
The project's new home is now at http://cpp-netlib.org/ (links to the old site should automatically redirect to this domain). We're looking at scaling the effort of the project and enforcing a few processes for consistency and for velocity. A few highlight to the website content:
- A style guide. We are now getting to the point where we have a lot of code and more people sending in pull requests. In this light we've started a very minimalist style guide. We will discuss and update this as soon as we have more data to make decisions.
- A development policy document. We've attempted to codify what we do and how we do it.
- A proposal process. If you're considering getting involved or helping get your library developed or included in cpp-netlib, there's now a process for that.
We're also now ramping up our migration to use Google Test and getting ready to use Clang Format to use the Google style-guide formatting (just for the formatting) to make the code more consistent. I'm driving that process and getting the codebase into a more maintainable state. I've learned in these past few years that readable code makes my life easier, and contributors lives easier. Having said this we're not going to compromise on features of C++11 that we're going to use. I believe that now is the time to use C++11. ...
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