New site feature: Suggest an article

This site hosts a curated blog that provides pointers to the best and latest content in the world on modern Standard C++. From links to fresh new articles and books, to product news, to useful videos and events, to (of course) news about the standardarization process itself, we want you to be able to find out about it from here.

We want to link to all high-quality C++ content. But how can we make sure we don't miss something good? The blog editors know about a lot of the latest news and content, but no one person or small group can catalog it all, and we don't want to miss anything that C++ developers might find good and useful.

You can help. It's easy, and here's how.

Have you recently come across a high-quality article? a useful video? an upcoming event? cool product news? or something else likely of interest to a large subset of C++ developers? Then let us know using a cool new feature of the site: The "Suggest an Article" link available at the top right of the screen whenever you're logged into the site. (If you don't have a login, it's easy to get one: Registration is free.)

When you click on the Suggest link, you'll be taken to a screen that looks something like this. Here, you can write a draft blog post for the Blog Editors' consideration:

  • Enter a title, and the URL people should be taken to.
  • Pick an appropriate category.
  • Write a body that lets people know what it's about and why they should read/watch/follow the link.

As a guide, follow the style of existing blog posts already on this site. If you're curious, you can also check out the style guide used by our own editors; a subset of those features are available to you when writing blog suggestions.

You can make multiple suggestions and track their status via the Your Suggestions box on the right side of the suggestion page.

We can't accept all suggestions; some will be duplicates, others may not be deemed to be of wide enough interest to C++ developers. But many suggestions will be accepted -- if your post is accepted, the editors will edit it to tighten it up and conform to our style guide, and post it live for the world to see and appreciate with your name in the byline as the author of the blog post. If that happens to your suggestion, congratulations -- that's your name up there in bright lights on the home page of!

A few of you already found the Suggest link, and so we're happy to report that the very first user blog post suggestion by Blair Davidson went live today. Thanks, Blair, and thanks in advance to all who will help us find and link to the best high-quality C++ content in the world.

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Blair Davidson said on Nov 21, 2012 08:35 PM:

Come on all lets get heaps of great C++ content on the site to push the adoption of the language now it has such great modern features.

Looking forward to reading and watching some awesome C++ content.

Blair Davidson