
PVS-Studio 7.05

We're glad to offer to your attention a quick overview of the PVS-Studio 7.05 code analyzer release. The analyzer is enriched with twenty new diagnostics and infrastructure improvements.

PVS-Studio 7.05

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

The Blame Notifier utility meant to notify developers about the analysis results is now available on all platforms supported by the analyzer (Windows, Linux, macOS). Blame Notifier uses the information from the version control system (SVN, Git, Mercurial) to identify the person who wrote the code that triggered an analyzer warning.

PVS-Studio: Support of MISRA C and MISRA C++ Coding Standards

Starting with the version 6.27, the PVS-Studio static code analyzer can classify its warnings according to MISRA C and MISRA C++ standards. Due to support of these standards it has become possible to effectively use the analyzer to increase the level of security, portability and reliability of programs for embedded systems.

PVS-Studio: Support of MISRA C and MISRA C++ Coding Standards

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Such diagnosis can't be applied to already existing projects developed for Windows, Linux or macOS operating systems. For example, only one rule about curly brackets described above gives 1947 warnings of the V2507 diagnostic (MISRA C 15.6, MISRA C++ 6-4-1) for a WinMerge project. Still WinMerge is a small project! In total, only 250 000 lines of code in C and C# languages.

How to use PVS-Studio for free

We want to help the software world improve the quality of their code, and get to know static analysis tools better. We are giving the opportunity to use PVS-Studio static code analyzer for free, for educational purposes, so that individual developers and enthusiastic teams could also fully use it.

How to use PVS-Studio for free

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

Some developers may say that they don't want to see two additional lines of code at the beginning of the file with the comments not related to the project itself. It is their right, and they may simply not use the tool. Or they can purchase a commercial license, and use it without any restrictions. We see these comments as a gratuity for the provided license, and also as an additional way to promote our product. I think it's a good, fair exchange.