
Why PVS-Studio Uses Data Flow Analysis: Based on Gripping Error in Open Asset Import Library

An essential part of any modern static code analyzer is data flow analysis. However, from an outside perspective, the use of data flow analysis and its benefit is unclear.

Why PVS-Studio Uses Data Flow Analysis: Based on Gripping Error in Open Asset Import Library

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

It all started with checking the latest version of the Qt 6 library. There was a separate usual article on this, where I'd described 77 errors found. It turned out that at first, I decided to flip through the report, not excluding the third-party libraries' warnings. In other words, I didn't exclude the warnings related to \src\3rdparty in the settings. It so happened that I immediately ran up against a gripping error example in the Open Asset Import Library. So, I decided to write this extra little note about it.