
C++ User Group Meetings in September

The monthly listing of C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in September

by Jens Weller

The list of Meetings:

9.9 C++ UG Utah - Regular Monthly Meeting
9.9 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Presentation and Q&A
9.9 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing 10.9 C++ UG Dresden - Scripting in C++
14.9 C++ UG Denver - Denver Tech Center C++ Developers
14.9 C++ UG Bristol - Tim Perry
14.9 C++ UG Zentralschweiz - Coding Dojo
16.9 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe NRW
16.9 C++ UG North West/Seattle - The BBC micro: bit and C++
17.9 C++ UG Chicago - "Cross-compiling to C++" and "Can you make me more productive
21.9 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
23.9 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
23.9 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
24.9 C++ UG Rhein-Neckar - C++ Usergroup Meeting
24.9 C++ UG Bremen - C++ - Vorstellung eines Frameworks für den Integrationtest
24.9 C++ UG Arhus - Libreoffice Hackfest
30.9 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - CppCon Trip Report

Announcing the Meeting C++ Workshop Day!

I finally can announce the Meeting C++ Workshop day on Dec. 3rd in front of the Meeting C++ Conference:

Announcing the Meeting C++ Workshop Day!

by Jens Weller

From the article:

For the first time ever, I do organize a Workshop Day in front of Meeting C++! This is going to be a fun day giving you the knowledge of either C++ in embedded or parallelism.

While some details are still in the making, I already can announce that the speakers of the parallelism workshop are Thomas Heller, Boris Schäling and Michael Wong! The embedded workshop will feature a hands on session from KDAB "Creating HMI for embedded devices with C++ and Qt/QML" by Tobias Koenig.


Videos from 2015 ACCU Conference

If you missed the last ACCU conference, you can see some sessions here:

Videos from 2015 ACCU Conference

From the page:

The following videos from the ACCU 2015 Conference are currently available:

  • Axel Naumann · Large-Scale Scientific C++ For Casual Coders: Why You (Should) Care
  • Pete Goodliffe · Becoming a Better Programmer
  • Chris Oldwood · In the Toolbox - Live!
  • Hubert Matthews · The Dos and Don'ts of Multithreading

Overload 128 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of August 2015 is out. It contains C++ related articles.

Overload 128

From the journal:

Don’t Design for Performance Until It’s Too Late: People claim optimisation can cause unreadable code. Andy Balaam argues good performance should be at the core of code design. by Andy Balaam

Template Programming Compile Time String Functions: Practising old exercises in new ways can keep you sharp. Nick Weatherhead demonstrates some well-known code katas using C++ compile time tricks. by Nick Weatherhead

19 C++ User Group Meetings in August

The monthly overview on upcomging C++ User Group meetings:

19 C++ User Group Meetings in August

by Jens Weller

A short overview:

5.8 C++ UG Saint Louis - "Fun with Lambdas" Lightning Talk\, Interview Questions and more
5.8 C++ UG Austin - Introduction to the QT Framework using C++ and QML
6.8 C++ UG Edinburgh - C++ Edinburgh
10.8 C++ UG Denver - Denver Tech Center C++ Developers
12.8 C++ UG Utah - Regular Monthly Meeting
12.8 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Presentation and Q&A
12.8 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
17.8 C++ UG Austin - North Austin Monthly C/C++ Pub Social
17.8 C++ UG Juce - Deploy Pure Data patches to any OS with JUCE
18.8 C++ UG Berlin - TBA
19.8 C++ UG Düsseldorf - Treffen der C++ User Gruppe NRW
19.8 C++ UG Hamburg - constexpr
20.8 C++ UG Ruhrgebiet - August Meetup - std::advance(CodingStandard, Modern::c++)
24.8 C++ UG Göteborg - Let's meetup and discuss the format for this group
25.8 C++ UG Chicago - Using NuGet to manage external dependencies in Visual C++ builds
26.8 C++ UG San Francisco/ Bay area - Workshop and Discussion Group
26.8 C++ UG Washington, DC - Q & A / Info Sharing
26.8 C++ UG Aarhus - Access Guards
27.8 C++ UG Munich - Pruning Error Messages From Your C++ Template Code

C++ Siberia 2015

Program, speakers etc. are all online now in Russian.

C++ Siberia 2015

Organized by Sergey Platonov

What to expect at Siberia C++:

The event will take place in Novosibirsk, Siberia, Russia in August 2015. People from Yandex, Boost, PVS-Studio and many more companies will share their knowledge on compilers, concurrency and much more.

CppCon 2014 Using C++ to Connect to Web Services--Steve Gates

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

Using C++ to Connect to Web Services

by Steve Gates

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

Many languages have great support for connecting to web services. Trying to connect C++ applications to the cloud is difficult. The C++ standard library doesn't contain anything for networking (yet), and with the proliferation of devices, being able to do so in a cross platform manner is even more appealing. Often requiring use of multiple different styled, and potentially low level, libraries where asynchrony wasn't designed from the start. Or by building your own abstract layers over platform and operating system APIs, all of which distract from focusing on the core logic of your application.

The C++ REST SDK makes connecting to services easier by creating APIs focused on simplicity and asynchrony, built using tasks from the Parallel Patterns Library. This is done by putting together a series of cross platform libraries for working with HTTP, WebSockets, JSON, URIs, and OAuth. In many cases building on top of other popular open source libraries like Boost, OpenSSL, and WebSocket++. This talk will take a practical approach looking at what is involved in connecting to some of the common popular services from C++, using the C++ REST SDK and other libraries. Several tutorial style example and demos will be done using C++ code that runs on all the major platforms.

CppCon 2014 sqlpp11, An SQL Library Worthy Of Modern C++--Roland Bock

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

sqlpp11, An SQL Library Worthy Of Modern C++

by Roland Bock

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

SQL and C++ are both strongly typed languages. They should play well together. But most C/C++ interfaces to SQL databases are string based. They force the developer to effectively hide the SQL types, names and expression structures from the compiler. This defers the validation of SQL expressions until runtime, i.e. unit tests or even production. And the strings might even be vendor specific, because different databases expect different dialects of SQL in those strings.

That feels wrong. Modern C++ can do better.

This talk gives an introduction to sqlpp11, a templated embedded domain specific language for SQL in C++. It allows you to build type-safe SQL expressions with type-safe results, all of which can be verified at compile time, long before your code enters unit tests or even production.

In addition to its obvious use with relational databases, sqlpp11 can also serve as an SQL frontend for all kinds of data sources: Since sqlpp11 offers complete SQL expression trees even at compile time, it isn't hard to apply SQL expressions to std::vector or std::map for instance, or streams, or XML, or JSON, you name it. With your help, sqlpp11 could become for C++ what LINQ is for C#.

CppCon 2014 The Committee Experience--Alisdair Meredith

Have you registered for CppCon 2015 in September? Don’t delay – Early Bird registration is open now.

While we wait for this year’s event, we’re featuring videos of some of the 100+ talks from CppCon 2014 for you to enjoy. Here is today’s feature:

The Committee Experience

by Alisdair Meredith

(watch on YouTube) (watch on Channel 9)

Summary of the talk:

What happens behind the closed doors of the ISO Standard Committee? And just how closed are they?

The session collects some anecdotes and relates what it is like to get involved in the process of standardizing C++, from the perspective of someone attending their first meeting - me 10 years ago! - to now. We will hear some of the highs and lows along the way to C++11, some misconceptions of what might be involved, and get some idea of what happens during a typical standard meeting, and between.

By the end you will have some idea of how the standard itself is actually formed, and hopefully spark the interest of folks who might be interested in getting involved themselves...