
Upcoming C++ User Group meetings in February

The monthly overview on upcoming C++ User Group Meetings:

C++ User Group Meetings in February 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article:

The monthly overview on upcoming meetings of C++ User Groups. Most groups meet online due to the pandemic.

Meeting C++ online organizes 2 events in February: one book & tool fair and a talk about C++ reflections

    16.2 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - February - Design of C++ reflection API with Matúš Chochlík
    17.2 C++ UG Meeting C++ online - Meeting C++ online book & tool fair

Additionally Meeting C++ organizes two trainings in February:

    Modern C++ Design Patterns by Klaus Iglberger
    The Big Four of C++20 by Rainer Grimm

Meeting C++ in 2022

An overview on what Meeting C++ plans for 2022:

Meeting C++ in 2022

by Jens Weller

From the article

Giving you a short overview on what Meeting C++ plans for 2022!

The next two events happening at the Meeting C++ online user group:

Also the next Meeting C++ job fair is on the 15th and 16th March, I plan to host one per quarter of each fair.

Meeting C++ 2022

Its going to be a hybrid event in Berlin and online from November 16-19th. I'll start the conference season for Meeting C++ again in April, so expect further annoucements and the opening for the call for talks then. Same goes for tickets, sponsorship and more.


In February Meeting C++ offers two trainings

    Modern C++ Design Patterns by Klaus Iglberger
    The big four of C++ 20 by Rainer Grimm

C++ on Sea Early Bird Tickets and Call for Speakers

C++ on Sea has opened its Call for Speakers (including workshops), which runs until 6th February

The 2022 Call for Speakers is now open

by C++ on Sea

About the conference

And Early Bird tickets are now selling up to the end of February

Early bird tickets now on sale

This year's event will be back in person, in Folkestone, UK, overlooking the sea!

Speaker's travel and accomodation expenses are covered - so get your submissions in before the deadline.

Outcome enters sustaining phase, goes ABI stable--Niall Douglas

Will you use it?

Outcome enters sustaining phase, goes ABI stable

by Niall Douglas

From the article:

After three years of maturing, I am pleased to announce that the Spring release of Outcome, an alternative error handling framework, will enter its sustaining phase and thus it will be able to formally guarantee ABI stability going forth. ABI stability is tested per commit by CI and the specifics of the guarantees is documented here...

2021 C++ Standardization Highlights--Botond Ballo

Did you follow?

2021 C++ Standardization Highlights

by Botond Ballo

From the article:

The ISO C++ Standards Committee (also known as WG21) has not met in person since its February 2020 meeting in Prague, which I wrote about here.

However, the committee and its subgroups have continued their work through remote collaboration, and a number of notable proposals have been adopted into C++23, the next language version, in this way, with many others in the pipeline.

In this post, I will outline some of the highlights of the committee’s work in 2021. (The post will also cover some material from the latter part of 2020, a period when remote collaboration was already underway but which I have not covered in any previous post.) I’ve been less involved in the committee than before, so this post will not be as comprehensive as my previous trip reports, but I hope to share the proposals I’ve found most notable...

The program for CPPP is now available

The CPPP - an international online C++ Conference from 1-3 December 2021 with a hint of French accent - has published their programme.

CPPP Programme

by CPPP Conference

About the programme

CPPP has now published its program along three tracks:

  • Progress: This track is all about the bases. These are the talks that you wish every C++ developer would listen to early in their career to start on the right foot. They can be very valuable to experts but need to be accessible to students and beginners.
  • Produce: Talks that can be immediately applied by professional C++ programmers in their everyday job. Concrete tools and pragmatic ideas that work for legacy codebases and scale well with big teams.
  • Push Forward: Novel ideas and approaches for C++. They can be patterns that are not well known yet, new features coming in the language, libraries using these recent features or new ways to think about old problems.

You can also already buy your tickets.


CppCon 2021 trip report -- Timur Doumler

Timur has noted down his thoughts about the recent CppCon 2021 trip:

Trip Report

by Timur Doumler

About the article

I was on-site and this was actually my first in-person conference since the pandemic started, as well as my first conference in my new role as Developer Advocate at JetBrains. I had an amazing time, a huge thanks to the organisers for pulling this off! See you next year!

Tripreport: virtual CppCon 2021--Jens Weller

Another report!

Tripreport: virtual CppCon 2021

by Jens Weller

From the article:

I attended this weeks virtual CppCon partially, as I'm also very busy with my upcoming conferences: Meeting Embedded & Meeting C++ 2021. Still I had a lot of fun. Thanks to Jon Kalb, the volunteers, speakers and all the attendees who made CppCon 2021 possible!