
CppCon 2017 Trip Report--Matt Godbolt

Another trip report!

CppCon 2017 Trip Report

by Matt Godbolt

From the article:

Until last week I had never been to a C++ conference before. I’m rather glad to say that I’ve now experienced the wonder of having a firehose of C++ knowledge plugged into my brain and turned on.

Most of the best times at the conference were in between talks, where random meetings in the hallways over coffee would yield fascinating discussions. I was flattered to have a fair number of people spot my name badge and come up and thank me for Compiler Explorer – a very surreal experience. I got a tiny taste of what it must be to be “famous”! I also got a lot of advice and ideas on how to improve the site, and once the dust settles a little I look forward to getting stuck into improvements, like more Microsoft compilers (and a better compilation experience for those using it), and execution support.

While the hallway chance encounters (and lunches and dinners) yielded a lot of great conversations, the talks were also full of information. Below is a small taste of some of the talks that left an impression with me...

CppCon 2017: What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid--Matt Godbolt

The CppCon 2017 endnote is now available! What an excellent talk by Matt, of Godbolt fame.

What Has My Compiler Done for Me Lately? Unbolting the Compiler's Lid

by Matt Godbolt

From the article:

In 2012, Matt and a colleague were arguing whether it was efficient to use the then-new-fangled range for. During the discussion a bash script was written to quickly compile C++ source and dump the assembly. Five years later and that script has grown into a website relied on by many to quickly see the code their compiler emits, to compare different compilers' code generation and behaviour, to quickly prototype and share code, and investigate the effect of optimization flags.

In this talk Matt will not only show you how easy (and fun!) it is to understand the assembly code generated by your compiler, but also how important it can be. He'll explain how he uses Compiler Explorer in his day job programming low-latency trading systems, and show some real-world examples. He'll demystify assembly code and give you the tools to understand and appreciate how hard your compiler works for you.

He'll also talk a little about how Compiler Explorer works behind the scenes, how it is maintained and deployed, and  share some stories about how it has changed over the years. By the end of this session you'll be itching to take your favourite code snippets and start exploring what your compiler does with them.

CPPCon 2017--Oliver Smith

From another first-time attendee.

CPPCon 2017

by Oliver Smith

From the article:

I love and hate conventions, so I don’t go to them all that often.

Although I’ve watched CPPCon videos, I hadn’t considered something you attended until this year; I wasn’t really convinced it would be worth going.

The agenda for the first few days proposed some very interesting stuff, and I decided to dip my toe...

CppCon 2017 Trip Report--Ben Deane

The title says it all.

CppCon 2017 Trip Report

by Ben Deane

From the article:

Last week in Bellevue, WA, around 1100 C++ programmers got together for CppCon. I love this conference – it’s a chance to meet up with my existing C++ community friends and make new ones, to learn new techniques and explore parts of C++, and to get excited about where C++ is headed in the next 5 years. Just about everything in C++ is represented, from low-level optimization techniques to functional template metaprogramming...

CppCon 2017 Trip Report--Charles L. Wilcox

The title says it all.

CppCon 2017 Trip Report

by Charles L. Wilcox

From the article:

Another CppCon draws to a close, and the future looks healthy and exciting.  Also, I finally gave a Lightning Talk.

Overall, the conference experience this year was very smooth, compared to my last two times here, despite the conference growth.  There were over 1100 attendees, up from about 900 last year.  There were sometimes 7 concurrent tracks, which is larger than years past.  Again, with most every time-slot I suffer from the paradox of choice, and if I chose a less than stellar talk, I regret what I’m potentially missing elsewhere.

CppCon 2017: Qt as a C++ Framework: History, Present State and Future--Lars Knoll

New video!

Qt as a C++ Framework: History, Present State and Future

by Lars Knoll

From the article:

Qt is one of the largest and most widely used C++ frameworks. It is fully cross-platform, covering all functionality required to develop advanced graphical applications. The talk will go through important parts of Qt's history from it's roots to what it is today. We will have a look into the relation between Qt and C++, some of the design philosophies driving the evolution of Qt. I'll go through the current state of the frameworks, latest releases, ongoing development focus, and give an outlook into the future.

#CPPCON2017. Day 4. Async Rulezzz!--"No Bugs" Hare

It's over, but we still have reports!

#CPPCON2017. Day 4. Async Rulezzz!

by "No Bugs" Hare

From the article:

During the Day 4 of CPPCON, I had to prepare to my own talk tomorrow; still – I was able to attend all the talks I was interested in.

But before I can start – let’s discuss a thing which I just understood during CPPCON17; it is related to…