
GCC 10.1 Released--Jakub Jelinek

The new version is out.

GCC 10.1 Released

by Jakub Jelinek

From the article:

A year has lapsed away since the release of last major
GCC release, more than 33 years passed since the first
public GCC release and the GCC developers survived
repository conversion from SVN to GIT earlier this year.

Today, we are glad to announce another major GCC release, 10.1.

This release makes great progress in the C++20 language support,
both on the compiler and library sides [1], some C2X enhancements,
various optimization enhancements and bug fixes, several new
hardware enablement changes and enhancements to the compiler back-ends
and many other changes.  There is even a new experimental static
analysis pass [2]...

Boost Version 1.73.0

With two new libraries.

Boost Version 1.73.0

From the article:

New Libraries

  • Nowide: Standard library functions with UTF-8 API on Windows, from Artyom Beilis.
  • StaticString: A dynamically resizable string of characters with compile-time fixed capacity and contiguous embedded storage, from Vinnie Falco and Krystian Stasiowski


How to Use C++ for Azure Storage--Bartlomiej Filipek


How to Use C++ for Azure Storage

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

Blob storage is an object storage service you use in Azure. It is designed for storing large volumes of unstructured data, including text, binary data, images, and text. In this service, your data is stored in containerized blobs with a directory-like structure. You can use blob storage to ensure flexible access to storage, high availability, and data consistency. Read on to learn how you can use C++ with Azure storage...

Finding build bottlenecks with C++ Build Insights--Kevin Cadieux

Did you try it?

Finding build bottlenecks with C++ Build Insights

by Kevin Cadieux

From the article:

C++ Build Insights offers more than one way to investigate your C++ build times. In this article, we discuss two methods that you can use to identify bottlenecks in your builds: manually by using the vcperf analysis tool, or programmatically with the C++ Build Insights SDK. We present a case study that shows how to use these tools to speed up the Git for Windows open source project. We hope these tutorials will come in handy when analyzing your own builds...

Trip report: C++ Siberia 2020--Timur Doumler

Did you attend?

Trip report: C++ Siberia 2020

by Timur Doumler

From the article:

In 2019, I had a very busy conference year. I had just become self-employed, which meant I did not have to ask anyone’s permission anymore to go to a C++ conference. And because conferences are fun, I decided to go to all of them. Well, not all of them, but I ended up speaking at quite a few that year: CppOnSea (Folkestone), ACCU (Bristol), using std::cpp (Madrid), 4Developers (Warsaw), C++Now (Aspen), CoreC++ (Tel Aviv), C++Russia (both of them – Moscow & St. Petersburg), CppCon (Denver), ACCU Autumn (Belfast), MeetingC++ (Berlin), and finally CoreHard (Minsk). The latter one was particularly memorable because it was the first time a C++ conference invited me to deliver the opening keynote (and it was an amazing experience – thank you!)...

Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings--Ivan Čukić

Do you have that problem?

Qt, range-based for loops and structured bindings

by Ivan Čukić

From the article:

Qt has a long history. The first stable version was released before the first version of C++ was standardized and long before the different C++ compiler vendors started shipping usable implementations of the C++ standard library. Because of this, Qt often followed (and still follows) some design idioms that feel unnatural to the usual C++ developer.

This can have some downsides for the Qt ecosystem. The evolution of the C++ programming language which sped up quite a bit in the last decade often brings improvements which don’t fit well with the Qt philosophy. In this blog, I offer some ways to work with this...