
Seastar, ScyllaDB, and C++23

Seastar announces that now that C++23 is available, they will support C++23 and C++20 (dropping support for C++17) in accordance with their support policy

Seastar, ScyllaDB, and C++23

By Avi Kivity

From the article:

Seastar is an open-source (Apache 2.0 licensed) C++ framework for I/O intensive asynchronous computing, using the thread-per-core model. Seastar underpins several high- performance distributed systems: ScyllaDB, Redpanda, and Ceph Crimson. Seastar source is available on github. As a C++ framework, Seastar must choose which C++ versions to support. The support policy is last-two-versions. That means that at any given time, the most recently released version as well as the previous one are supported, but earlier versions cannot be expected to work. This policy gives users of the framework three years to upgrade to the next C++ edition while not constraining Seastar to ancient versions of the language.

Now that C++23 has been ratified, Seastar now officially supports C++20 and C++23. The previously supported C++17 is now no longer supported.

The Case of the Vector With an Impossibly Large Size -- Raymond Chen

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgIn this software troubleshooting case, a customer experienced program crashes, and a detailed analysis of the code revealed several issues. The primary problem stemmed from lazy initialization of a widget list, leading to inconsistent vector states and potential crashes. Additionally, a multithreading issue was identified, highlighting the importance of thread-safety mechanisms in code that can be accessed concurrently.

The Case of the Vector With an Impossibly Large Size

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

A customer had a program that crashed with this stack:

combase!ObjectMethodExceptionHandlingAction<<lambda_...> >+0x47

They wondered if some recent change to Windows was the source of the problem, since it didn’t happen as much in earlier versions of Windows.


DR20 - The Equality Operator You Are Looking For -- Sandor Dargo

SANDOR_DARGO_ROUND.JPGWe delve into how C++20 introduced changes to object comparisons, leading to unexpected behavior and the need for matching operator!= declarations.

DR20 - The Equality Operator You Are Looking For

by Sandor Dargo

From the article:

When I see DR, I immediately think about Disaster Recovery. That’s due to my first corporate job where I worked as a Database Administrator and we had regular exercises to simulate events when datacenters would be unavailable.

When you see DR in the title of a C++ proposal, it’s not about a disaster, it’s more about a bug. DR stands for defect report. But the paper itself is usually not about reporting that there is a problem - that has been already done -, but more about proposing a solution.

What’s more important is that defect reports are not becoming part of the latest standard, they retrospectively change the one that introduced the defect.

A defect of C++20’s equality operator

P2468R2 is addressing a problem that was introduced by C++20. C++20 brought us the spaceship operator (operator<=>), but it further changed the logic of object comparisons. It changed the meaning of == and != and how overload resolution applies to them.

Aggregates: C++17 vs. C++20 -- Andreas Fertig

Sometimes the small changes between two C++ standards really bite you. Today's post is about when I got bitten by a change to aggregates in C++20.

Aggregates: C++17 vs. C++20

by Andreas Fertig

From the article:

Attendees of my training classes usually assume that I know everything. I can say sorry, but that's not the case. One day in the past, I showed the following example during a class:

struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;

Point pt{2, 3};

The class did cover C++17 and C++20. The code of Point is a reduced version for this post. We were talking about C++17's structured bindings. I use Point to show the decomposition using C++ Insights.

I showed the behavior and certain variations while answering questions from the attendees. One question was about move and copy. The question leads me changing the initial code to the following one:

struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;

  Point(Point&&) = delete;  A 


Point pt{2, 3};
struct Point {
  int x;
  int y;

  Point(Point&&) = delete;  A 

Point pt{2, 3};
As you can see, in A, I deleted the move constructor. As far as I remember, this topic was more or less the last one for this day. Everything went well and as expected.

The next morning one of the attendees approached me with the question of why the code didn't compile on his machine. My usual answer here is that if C++ were be easy, I wouldn't have the job I have. Somehow this never shuts down such questions. I like curious attendees.

He shared his code via Compiler Explorer. Guess what? His code looked exactly like mine but didn't compile. Here is the error message from the compiler:

Machine Code Explained -- Matt Godbolt

machinecode.pngExplaining machine code from the ground up! 

Machine Code Explained

by Matt Godbolt

From the video:

In this video, Matt Godbolt appears on Computerphile to discuss their fascination with how computers work and their mental model developed in the 1980s, which still helps them understand modern computer systems. They use a simple analogy involving a robot with an abacus and pigeonholes to explain fundamental computer operations and how programs are executed. Matt then demonstrates how machine code, the computer's language, can be represented as a sequence of numbers and stored in memory to instruct the computer in performing tasks, illustrating the basic concept of programming.

What are senders good for, anyway? -- Eric Niebler

In a recent blog post, Eric Niebler gets inside the soon-to-be-standard async programming model and shows why you should care.

What are senders good for, anyway?

by Eric Niebler

From the article:

At the heart of P2300 is a simple, elegant (IMHO) core that brings many benefits, but it’s hard to see that forest for all the trees.

So let’s make this concrete. In this post, I’ll show how to bring a crusty old C-style async API into the world of senders, and why you might want to do that.

mp-units 2.1.0 released -- Mateusz Pusz

We are happy to announce that mp-units 2.1.0 has been released and is available for download in Conan.

mp-units 2.1.0 released!

by Mateusz Pusz

About the release

Please check our blog post to read more about the improvements and some, unfortunately, breaking changes.



How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Juggling C++ Atomics -- brilliantsugar

In his recent blog post brilliantsugar talks about technics to find race conditions in multithreading code by using different tools.

How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Juggling C++ Atomics

by brilliantsugar

From the blog post

As most C++ programmers are aware, courtesy of Herb Sutter, programming lock-free data structures is akin to juggling razor blades. Reasoning about concurrent programs is already complex enough but modern CPU memory models are so complicated that they manage to make it even harder. The prevailing suggestion you often come across is to steer clear of lock-free programming entirely.

In this article, I share the adventures of exploring methods for formally verifying lock-free C++ code. To showcase three different approaches, I delve into the implementation of a lock-free triple buffer data structure.