Articles & Books

The C++14 Standard -- Mark Nelson

ddj-nelson.PNGToday on Dr. Dobb's:

The C++14 Standard

by Mark Nelson

From the article:

Voting on the C++14 standard was completed in August, and all that remains before we can say it is officially complete is publication by the ISO. In this article, I will visit the high points of the new standard, demonstrating how the upcoming changes will affect the way you program, particularly when using the idioms and paradigms of Modern C++.

The committee seems intent on keeping the standards process in a higher gear than in the past. This means that C++14, having had just three years since the last standard, is a somewhat constrained release. Far from being disappointing, this is a boon for programmers because it means implementers have been able to push out compliance with the new features in real time. Yes, you can start using C++14 features today — nearly all of them if you are flexible on your tool chain...

On the Ground at CppCon 2014

I composed this review of CppCon 2014, and think it might be interesting to the ISOCPP audience.


On the Ground at CppCon 2014

I’ve just returned from the week-long CppCon 2014 in Bellevue, Washington. Here’s what I experienced.

I’ve absorbed a great deal from a variety of C++ developer conferences -- CppNow, Going Native, C++ And Beyond -- but always virtually, via video and webcast. This was an opportunity to jump into the thick of things and participate in person. With community heavyweights like Herb Sutter and Scott Meyers in attendance I knew the content would be stimulating and informative. (Honestly, the speaker list featured nearly every name in the “C++ royalty” that you could imagine. I smiled to myself seeing Bjarne Stroustrup standing in the registration line like he was just another attendee.) So when the conference’s early-bird admission opened in March, I eagerly sent in my hard-earned dollars and blocked off the week of September eighth on my calendar...

Continue reading...


Lambda Over Lambda in C++14 -- Chris Kohlhepp

A nice complement to the C++14 lambda article we linked to yesterday:

Lambda Over Lambda in C++14: The Convergence of Modern C++ on the Lisp Programming Style, Part II

by Chris Kohlhepp

From the article:

Let us see how that simplifies under C++14 and generic lambdas.

Three observations are striking immediately:
1) The use case for a template has disappeared entirely. We simply have a generic function argument x. This matches Lisp.

2) The code is now entirely as brief as Lisp. Where Lisp has a lot of parenthesis, this style of coding develops a lot of “autos.”

3) The mechanics are identical also. Both functions are actually named lambdas...

C++14 Lambda Tutorial -- Sol

cpp-lambda-tutorial.PNGBuilding on recent C++11 lambda tutorials we've linked to recently, here's one about the brand-new lambda features in C++14:

C++14 Lambda Tutorial

by Sol

From the article:

The last iteration of C++, C++14 was approved this month. C++14 brings a few much anticipated changes to the C++11 standard, like allowing auto to be used as the return type of a function, or generic lambdas -- the subject of this article...

Introduction to Type Traits in the C++ standard library -- Yvonne Ma

"Are you an enum?" "Are you polymorphic?" The answers to these type questions and more are already in your C++11 standard library:

Introduction to Type Traits in the C++ standard library

by Yvonne Ma

From the article:

... As its name suggests, Type Traits exposes different characteristics of types, or simply the “type of type”. In many C++ programming practices, especially these in template metaprogramming, developers may find it difficult to build a template work for all types without knowing the characteristics of a type. That’s the key reason for the emergence of Type Trait...

C++ Templates series -- Feabhas

Here's a recent series that just got a new instalment today: It introduces template basics in a nicely explained and accessible way suitable for a gentle introduction, and then going on to progressively help the reader develop stronger template muscles.

C++ Templates series

by Feabhas

An Introduction to C++ Templates

Template Classes

Template Inheritance

Templates and Polymorphism

Template Member Functions

Variadic Templates

Templates of Templates

And today: Template Specialization

From the Introduction:

Templates are a very powerful -- but often very confusing -- mechanism within C++. However, approached in stages, templates can be readily understood (despite their heinous syntax).

The aim of this series of articles is to guide beginners through the syntax and semantics of the foundation concepts in C++ template programming.

atoi and itoa conversions in C++11 -- FangLu

All your friends know about C++11's new stoi and to_string, right? If not, here's a quick refresher to share:

atoi and itoa conversions in C++11

by FangLu

The key reminder from the article:

... The atoi and itoa conversions in C are not very satisfying to programmers, because programmers need to deal with invalid input and exceptions to avoid worst case. On the other hand, these functions are straightforward and easy to use. So they are not rare in C++ code...

In C++11, global functions, such as std::to_string, std::stoi/stol/stoll are introduced to implement atoi/itoa conversions conveniently. For example:

string s;

s += to_string(12) + " is int, ";

s += to_string(3.14f) + " is float.";

cout << s << endl;

where to_string can do type conversion according to the parameter type.

Here is another example:

string s("12");

int i = stoi(s);

cout << i << endl;

Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (Part 3) -- Sumant Tambe

sumant-tambe.PNGMore rapid-fire "now write this using lambdas" problem-solution drill with Sumant Tambe:

Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style (Part 3)

by Sumant Tambe

From the article:

Now that we have C++14, it has opened up doors for truly mind-bending uses of lambdas--more specifically--generic lambdas. This blog post is the third installment in the series of "Fun with Lambdas: C++14 Style". Check out part 1 and part 2 if you have not already.

This post is about "monadic tuples"...

Journey to the Alps: Participating in the C++ Standardization Process

Recently on the Spot blog:

Trip Report: Journey to the Alps -- Participating in the C++ Standardization Process

by Nathan Wilson

From the article:

... At Spot Trading, we currently utilize many of the C++11 features -- lambdas, keyword auto, nullptr, move operations, constexpr, range based for loops, explicit overrides, atomic operations, threading, futures, and new pointer types. Bjarne Stroustrup has said that we want to be able to continue to make simple things simple. These features of the language, mentioned above, certainly do that...