Articles & Books

Variadic CRTP -- Steve Dewhurst

Steve Dewhurst has published a new paper under his category Once Weakly:

Variadic CRTP

by Steve Dewhurst

From article:

One problem with [the] traditional application of CRTP is that it’s inflexible....  We can get [more] flexibility by specifying the CRTP capability as a template template parameter.

Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Kona) -- Botond Ballo

waldo.PNGA new trip report from the just-concluded ISO C++ meeting:

Trip report: C++ standards meeting in Kona, February 2017

by Botond Ballo

From the article:


C++17 is effectively out the door, with its Draft International Standard sent out for ballot, and the official release expected later this year.

Development on C++20 is well under way, with numerous core language and library features already earmarked for it, and several Technical Specifications expected to be merged into it. A proposal for an overall vision for the release aims to focus the committee’s efforts on four headliner features – Concepts, Modules, Ranges, and Networking. That is, of course, not a guarantee these features will be in C++20 (nor is it intended to exclude other features!), but I believe with some luck and continued hard work we can make part of all of that plan a reality.

Modules, in particular, are expected to be a game-changer for C++...

Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Kona) -- Herb Sutter

A trip report from the just-concluded ISO C++ meeting:

Trip report: Winter ISO C++ standards meeting (Kona), C++17 is complete

by Herb Sutter

From the article:

C++17 is done!

The big news is that we completed C++17, which dominated the work of the meeting: C++17 is now technically finished and being sent out for its final ISO balloting. All that remains for C++17 now is some ISO red tape and minor touch-up to get it officially published, which is expected to be just mechanical...

Singleton revisited--Giuseppe Puoti

The use of Singleton is often justified by the will of being able to easily refer to a unique object from any point. Giuseppe Puoti describes an alternative:

Singleton revisited

by Giuseppe Puoti

From the article:

It happens quite often to deal with those annoying objects, used everywhere in your applications. This may be because of a poorly designed application but, sometime, it is simply an inevitable condition...

C++ Braced Initialization--Edouard of quasardb

Do you use it?

C++ Braced Initialization

by Edouard of quasardb

From the article:

Since C++ 11 it's possible to use braces for construction and initialization. Although this is something you could ignore for the code you write, it's obviously important to know for the code you may read.

If you have a couple of years of experience in C++, the temptation can be great to keep your old habits because "All these new features are useless! The language is bloated! Those people in the committee!".

Let's make sense out of the bloat...

I Wrote The Fastest Hashtable -- Malte Skarupke

This is Malte's third article on hash table design. His solution shows favorable performance against std::unordered_map, boost::multi_index, google::dense_hash_map, and more. Malte includes intuitive descriptions of why each design decision was made and what tradeoffs might exist. The article also describes some interesting artifacts in the implementations of other hash table implementations.

I Wrote The Fastest Hashtable

by Malte Skarupke

From the article:

There are many types of hashtables. For this one I chose

  • Open addressing
  • Linear probing
  • Robing hood hashing
  • Prime number amount of slots (but I provide an option for using powers of two)
  • With an upper limit on the probe count

I believe that the last of these points is a new contribution to the world of hashtables. This is the main source of my speed up, [...]

Reflections on the reflection proposals

Since the overview on the current papers for Kona, I wanted to know more about reflection...

Reflections on the reflection proposals

by Jens Weller

From the article

A few weeks ago I wrote a short overview over the most interesting papers for the current C++ Committee meeting in Kona, Hawaii. The big surprise was that there were many papers on reflection, while there already is a very detailed proposal for reflection.

With the C++ committee currently in Kona discussing lots of proposals, there will be some changes to the on going effort for reflection, but the current proposals are detailed enough to give an overview.