Advancing the State of the Art for std::unordered_map Implementations --

Several Boost authors have embarked on a project to improve the performance of boost's associative containers.



About the improvements:

Boost.Unordered's new implementation of std::unordered_map (and multimap, set and multiset variants), and to extend its portfolio of available containers to offer faster, non-standard alternatives based on open addressing.

The first goal of the project has been completed in time for Boost 1.80 (due August 2022). We describe here the technical innovations introduced in boost::unordered_map that makes it the fastest implementation of std::unordered_map on the market.


Visual Assist | Visual Studio Plug-in -- WholeTomato

Visual Assist fills gaps in Visual Studio for C/C++ and C# Developers

Visual Assist Software

by WholeTomato

About the software:

The best coding software plug-in for Microsoft Visual Studio is Visual Assist from Whole Tomato Software. The plug-key-in's features are syntax highlighting and intelligence. Additionally, it allows spell-checking in comments, enhances code suggestions, and adds refactoring commands.

It is a top-notch code inspection tool Now with a slew of other features that make Visual Studio a breeze to use.

These features are given below

1. Code Inspection Modernization
2. Fast Navigation
3. Refactoring
4. Code Correction
5. Unreal_Engine 4 Support
6. Code Assistance

Download Visual Assist Now!

C++20: The Small Pearls - Rainer Grimm - CppCon 2021

Registration is now open for CppCon 2022, which starts on September 11 and will again be held both in person and online. To whet your appetite for this year’s conference, we’re posting videos of some of the top-rated talks from last year’s conference. Here’s another CppCon talk video we hope you will enjoy – and why not register today for CppCon 2022 to attend in person, online, or both!

C++20: The Small Pearls

by Rainer Grimm

Summary of the video:

C++20 has way more to offer than the big four concepts, ranges, modules, and coroutines.
Here are a few of the shining pearls.

The spaceship operation automatically creates the six comparison operators. Thanks to consteval, constinit, and improved templates, programming at compile time becomes more powerful. std::span supports safe access to contiguous memory blocks. An enhanced time library and a new type date. Comfortable formatting of data thanks to std::format. Easily synchronize or coordinate threats with semaphores or latches and barriers. An improved thread that maintains itself and supports interruption. Thanks to the synchronized output streams, write operations in the concurrent environment do not end in a mess.

CLion 2022.2 EAP3: CMakeCache Editor, Symbol Servers for Debug, Evaluation of...--Anastasia Kazakova

Are you using it?

CLion 2022.2 EAP3: CMakeCache Editor, Symbol Servers for Debug, Evaluation of Constant Values in the Editor

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

A new CLion 2022.2 EAP3, 222.2889.11, is available from our website, via the Toolbox App, or as a snap package (if you are using Ubuntu). If you are on macOS, there is a separate build for Apple Silicon (M1 chip). Those who are already using EAP2 can apply a patch to update to EAP3...

Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review--Bartlomiej Filipek

Did you read it?

Embracing Modern C++ Safely, Book Review

by Bartlomiej Filipek

From the article:

C++11 has been around for around 11 years and C++14 for 8. From my experience, I see that even today, many companies struggle to use those standards in production in the most efficient way. As always, with new stuff came benefits, risks, and increased learning effort. Fortunately, with a new book written by top C++ Experts, we have a solid guide on what is safe and what might be problematic in Modern C++.

The book is called “Embracing Modern C++ Safely”.

Let’s see what’s inside...

CppCon 2022 Call for Poster Submissions - Bob Steagall

Preparations for CppCon 2022 continue...

CppCon 2022 Call for Poster Submissions

by Bob Steagall

From the announcement:

Are you doing something cool with C++? Got a great new library, technique, or tool?

We want you to share it with the C++ community by creating a poster and presenting it at CppCon 2022!

The poster submissions deadline is Friday, July 22nd, with decisions sent by August 1st. For topic ideas, submission instructions, and advice on making the best possible submission, see the 2022 Poster Submissions page.

PVS-Studio challenge: can you spot an error in C++ code?

PVS-Studio team made an entertaining quiz for you. Try to quickly find a bug in a code fragment. If you spot an error - click on it.

Challenge: can you spot an error in C++ code?

by Andrey Karpov

From the article:

You'll see ten code fragments. If you manage to find an error in under 1 minute, you score one point. The 1-minute limit is made on purpose. Otherwise you'll definitely find all errors — code fragments are short. Anyway, treat this quiz as a game, and not as a real test of your programming skills smile

PVS-Studio 7.19: C++ analyzer now works better with QNX compilers and Unreal Engine 5

Recently, we have released a new PVS-Studio version — 7.19. In this note, we'll tell you about new features in the analyzer, the enhanced documentation, as well as what to read and... what to play.

PVS-Studio 7.19: what's new?

by Sergey Vasiliev

From the article:

Now, you can use PVS-Studio to analyze projects on Unreal Engine 5. For the most part, projects on UE 5 are analyzed in the same way as projects on UE 4. The difference is described in the documentation.