Registration open for C++ and Beyond 2013

This just in on the C++ and Beyond blog... Scott Meyers writes:

Registration for C&B 2013 is open!

C++ and Beyond 2013 will take place December 9-12 at the Salish Lodge and Spa in Snoqualmie, Washington, USA (not far from Seattle). Registration is now open.

Attendance will be limited to 64 people.  (That’s the capacity of the ballroom.) Given that C&B has attracted about 100 people each year, it’s essentially certain that we’ll sell out.  As a result, I encourage you to sign up as soon as you can. Once we sell out, we’ll start a waiting list, but past experience suggests that we won’t be able to offer spots to more than a handful of people on that list.

Early bird registration runs through June 9 and features a 10% discount off the standard registration fee.

Click here to register.

Detailed information about C++ and Beyond is available at its web site:

Andrei and Herb and I hope to see you at C&B 2013 in December!


C++ and Xcode 4.6 -- from Marshall Clow

Marshall Clow gives some helpful tips for C++ programmers migrating to to XCode 4.6:

C++ and XCode 4.6

So, you’ve installed Xcode 4.6, and you are a C++ programmer.

You want to use the latest and greatest, so you create a new project, and add your sources to the project, and hit Build, and … guess what? Your code doesn’t build!

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Where is C++ used, besides everywhere? -- David Intersimone

From David I's blog at Embarcadero, a nice summary of where C++ is used with links to more... the next best thing to a "C++ inside" logo.

Multi-Device C++ is used everywhere on planet Earth and beyond!

In my conversation with Bjarne Stroustrup during the CodeRage 7 C++ Conference (replays of the sessions are available to watch and download) last December, Bjarne talked about how pervasive C++ is in enterprises, infrastructures, major application software and operating platforms. C++ is used to build Operating Systems, Libraries, Applications and Scalable Systems.  C++ is used in many different markets on planet Earth and beyond...


Image Watch: C++ image and video debugging plug-in for VS 2012

We continue to see modern C++ tool development across the industry continue apace. Here's another new cool C++-oriented tool with a nice seven-minute video on Channel 9:

Introducing Image Watch - A VS 2012 Plug-In for C++ Image and Video Debugging

Image Watch is a new Visual Studio 2012 plug-in for debugging C++ image and video processing applications, for example photo or augmented reality apps. Image Watch provides a watch window that can display in-memory bitmaps during debugging, so you no longer need to litter your code with "save-this-intermediate-image-to-a-file" statements when tracking down bugs. The initial release has built-in support for OpenCV image types and can be extended for viewing user-defined image types as well.

Here, Wolf Kienzle, Senior Research Developer, Interactive Visual Media group, Microsoft Research Redmond, explains and demos this excellent new tool for C++ developers building image, video or augmented reality apps. In effect, you can step into pixels...

Microsoft releases C++ REST SDK ("Casablanca")

From the announcement:

The C++ REST SDK (codename "Casablanca") has officially been released as an open source project on CodePlex...

We first announced Casablanca as an incubation project on Microsoft's DevLabs back in April of 2012. Since then we have had several releases and have seen library quickly evolve. As we added new features and received feedback from customers, it was evident that two separate entities were beginning to form. As a result, the "Casablanca" project on DevLabs has been separated into 2 different SDKs: the C++ REST SDK and the Azure SDK for C++.

The first of the two SDKs being released is the C++ REST SDK. It includes tools to quickly write modern, asynchronous C++ code that connects with REST services. We take advantage of the power and productivity offered in C++11 while providing a cross-platform solution. We currently support Windows 7, Windows 8 (Windows store and desktop applications), and Linux.

The main features in this SDK include:

  • Ability to create a connection to a server via a HTTP Client, send requests and handle response.
  • Support for construction and use of Uniform Resource Identifiers (URI).
  • Constructing, parsing and serializing JSON values.
  • Asynchronously reading/writing bytes to/from an underlying medium via Streams and Stream Buffers.

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No, really, moving a return value is easy -- StackOverflow

People new to C++11 often hear about move semantics, and expect that they have to do work to take advantage of it. That's often not true, and often the cleanest, simplest code that doesn't even mention move or && anywhere is just what you want -- that's C++11, clean, safe, and faster than ever.

Perhaps the most common case (and question) involves returning values from functions. The new rule for modern C++ style: Just return even big objects by value, and move Just Happens.

It just came up again on StackOverflow:

C++11 rvalues and move semantics confusion

The link skips straight to Howard Hinnant's clear and correct answer.

Sometimes we just try too hard, because we expect efficient programming not to be easy. Welcome to C++11. releases moost -- a Boost-like library for music

Another step forward in C++ community libraries, joining others including Facebook's and Microsoft's OSS C++ work. This from last week:

All our tools are belong to you (

by Marcus Holland-Moritz

Today we’re releasing moost, a C++ library with all the nice little tools and utilities our MIR team has developed over the past five years. If you’re a C++ developer yourself, you might notice that moost sounds quite similar to boost, and that’s on purpose. moost is the MIR team’s boost, there is hardly a project in our codebase that doesn’t depend on one or more parts of moost.

There are a lot of different things in moost...

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