Regular Types -- Rainer Grimm

PortraintRound-1.jpgAs opposed to quirky eccentric ones...

Regular Types

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

The term concrete type is strongly related to the term regular type. Let me, therefore, start this post with the term concrete type...

C++ Ecosystem in 2022: Fast Adoption of C++17 and C++20... -- Anastasia Kazakova

A new year, a new wave of standards adoption...

C++ Ecosystem in 2022: Fast Adoption of C++17 and C++20, C++ Toolset Landscape, and Better Code Analysis Practices

by Anastasia Kazakova

From the article:

... In this post we’ll discuss the final results, review the trends, and learn which direction the C++ community is currently evolving in. We also invite you to read through the key takeaways and detailed data for many programming languages and areas of software development...

C++ standard: developers are moving fast to C++17 and C++20...

CopperSpice: A Peek at C++23

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:

A Peek at C++23

by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

C++23 is about to be published and we selected five of the most interesting changes. Two of these are enhancements to Lambda Expressions and the other three add new functionality.

Watch our new video to find out how the C++23 standard can improve readability, maintainability, and performance.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe.

Argument-Dependent Lookup and the Hidden Friend Idiom -- Rainer Grimm

You've got to know where to find them, know how to bind them, know when to ask for help, from a hidden friend...

Argument-Dependent Lookup and the Hidden Friend Idiom

by Rainer Grimm

From the article:

Have you ever wondered why the following program works?

#include <iostream>

int main() {
    std::cout << "Hello world";

Why should the program not work? The overloaded output operator operator<< is defined in the std namespace. The question is, therefore: How is the appropriate overloaded output operator for std::string found? You may already assume it...

Making C++ primitive types meaningfully movable when they have sentinel values -- Raymond Chen

A little less primitive...

Making C++ primitive types meaningfully movable when they have sentinel values

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

C++ primitive types do not have special semantics for move constructor or move assignment. Their move operations are just copies. But what if you really want them to move, say, because they have a sentinel value that represents an "empty" state...?

Getting in trouble with mixed construction -- Barry Revzin

How do I construct thee? Let me count the ways...

Getting in trouble with mixed construction

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

Several years ago, I wrote a post about the complexities of implementing comparison operators for optional<T>Getting in trouble with mixed comparisons. That post was all about how, even just for ==, making a few seemingly straightforward decisions leads to an ambiguity that different libraries handle differently.

Now is a good time to circle back to that same idea, except this time instead of talking about equality comparison, we’re just going to talk about construction. This post is going to work through a bunch of cases of trying to construct an object of type X from an object of type Y...


PVS-Studio in 2022

It's January 2023, which means it's time to look back at our achievements in 2022. In this article, we'll tell you what we accomplished and show you what features appeared in PVS-Studio in 2022. Let's go.

PVS-Studio in 2022

by Polina Alekseeva

From the article:

Speaking of cross-platform. As of now, the analyzer runs on Windows, Linux, and macOS on the x86_64 architecture. It is currently impossible to run the analyzer natively on the same operating systems under ARM (except for C and C++ analyzer on ARM-based macOS: you can run it via Rosetta). We're wondering if there are many people among our readers who want to natively use the analyzer on ARM. How critical is the build and analysis of projects on the ARM architecture for you?