The SoA Vector – Part 1: Optimizing the Traversal of a Collection--Sidney Congard

It's all for speed.

The SoA Vector – Part 1: Optimizing the Traversal of a Collection

by Sidney Congard

From the article:

I like C++ because it offers a good compromise between writing expressive and fast code. But, I discovered a problem where I didn’t know any way to hide the implementation detail away from its use: The “Structure of Arrays” (SoA) versus the “Array of Structures” (AoS) problem.

This is the first part of a series of two articles:

  • what ‘SoA’ is about and what benefits it brings (part 1)
  • how to implement an SoA vector in C++ (part 2)

So let’s see what those SoA and AoS are all about...

Boost 1.69.0

New release.

Boost 1.69.0

From the article:

Notes for non-Windows users
The Boost build system now supports visibilities. If you are building shared libraries, they will use hidden visibility by default. As a result Boost shared libraries become smaller, load faster and have less chances to get a symbol collision.

See Boost.Build visibility and local-visibility for more info.

To disable that feature you can use use a command line ./b2 visibility=global to build...

C++Now 2019 Call for Submissions is Live

C++NowC++Now 2019 will be held in Aspen, May 5–10, 2017.

C++Now 2019 Call for Submissions

From the invitation:

The C++Now 2019 Call For Submissions is open! We invite all members of the C++ community, including first time submitters, to submit session proposals to the 8th annual C++Now Conference: C++Now 2018 (Aspen CO, USA, May 5 – 10, 2019).

C++Now builds upon the resounding success of previous BoostCon and C++Now conferences. We look forward to considering your proposals. You will be joining leading speakers from the entire C++ community in making C++Now 2018 better than ever.

CopperSpice: Linkage

New video on the CopperSpice YouTube Channel:


by Barbara Geller and Ansel Sermersheim

About the video:

In this video, we cover the often overlooked topic of linkage and linkers. We talk about how translation units relate to object files, the various types of symbols, and debugging link errors. We also look at how anonymous namespaces interact with symbol linkage.

Please take a look and remember to subscribe!

Overload 148 is now available

ACCU’s Overload journal of December 2018 is out. It contains the following C++ related articles.

Overload 148 is now available

From the journal:

Revolution, Restoration and Revival.
Trends cycle in seasons. Frances Buontempo wonders what programmers should on the lookout for.

Diseconomies of Scale.
Bigger is not always better. Allan Kelly considers when smaller is more productive.

Flip Model: A Design Pattern.
Publishing dynamic, complex data to many clients in a threadsafe manner is challenging. Daniele Pallastrelli presents the Flip model pattern to overcome the challenges.

Memory Management Patterns in Business-Level Programs.
There are many memory management patterns. Sergey Ignatchenko considers these from an application level.

Compile-time Data Structures in C++17: Part 3, Map of Values.
A compile time map of values allows code to be tested more easily. Bronek Kozicki demonstrates how to avoid a central repository of values.

Algol 68 - A Retrospective.
Algol 68 has influenced programming languages in many ways. Daniel James reminds us just how many.

Measuring Throughput and the Impact of Cache-line Awareness.
How do you measure throughput? Richard Reich and Wesley Maness investigate suitable metrics.

Using multi-stage containers for C++ development--Marc Goodner

An interesting method.

Using multi-stage containers for C++ development

by Marc Goodner

From the article:

Containers are a great tool for configuring reproducible build environments. It’s fairly easy to find Dockerfiles that provide various C++ environments. Unfortunately, it is hard to find guidance on how to use newer techniques like multi-stage builds. This post will show you how you can leverage the capabilities of multi-stage containers for your C++ development. This is relevant to anyone doing C++ development regardless what tools you are using...

Stop with the CTAD FUD!--Colby Pike

It's not cool.

Stop with the CTAD FUD!

by Colby Pike

From the article:

Among the catalog of features introduced by C++17, you’ll find a feature known as Class Template Argument Deduction, often shortened to “CTAD”. It was one of the largest language changes in C++17, and with it comes a new syntax and a new set of rules to understand.

It’s still very early in the game for CTAD, but we’re already seeing many strong opinions about it without seeing its widespread effect on codebases. In particular, we’re seeing a lot of Fear, Uncertainty, and Doubt about CTAD...

CppCast Episode 179: San Diego EWGI Trip Report with JF Bastien

Episode 179 of CppCast the first podcast for C++ developers by C++ developers. In this episode Rob and Jason are joined by JF Bastien from Apple joins us to discuss the San Diego C++ Committee meeting from his perspective as the chair of the new Evolution Working Group Incubator.

CppCast Episode 179: San Diego EWGI Trip Report with JF Bastien

by Rob Irving and Jason Turner

About the interviewee:

JF Bastien is the C++ lead for Apple's clang front-end, where he focuses on new language features, security, and optimizations. He’s an active participant in the C++ standards committee, where he chairs the Language Evolution Working Group Incubator (“oogie” for short). He previously worked on WebKit’s JavaScriptCore Just-in-Time compiler, on Chrome’s Portable Native Client, on a CPU's dynamic binary translator, and on flight simulators.