Virtual Italian C++ Conference 2020

An online-only full day of C++:

Virtual Italian C++ Conference 2020

June 13, 2020


In a nutshell

The Italian C++ Conference 2020 has been turned into an online-only event, due to the COVID-19 global emergency.

The event consists in live sessions, a few pre-recorded sessions, and virtual rooms for networking.


What can I find in the Virtual Italian C++ Conference 2020?

You will find:

  • live keynote by Nicolai JosuttisC++ Move Semantics – The surprising things you should better know
  • 7x50-min live sessions
  • 2x50-min and 1x30-min pre-recorded sessions
  • text/video/voice moderated and sized virtual rooms for networking

You can refer to the event page for more information.


How can I attend the virtual event?

The event will go live on June 13 from 9 AM CEST.

All the sessions (live and pre-recorded) will be hosted on our YouTube channel. However, only registered people can see session links in advance.

Virtual rooms will be hosted on our Discord server. For invitation link and further details, you must register for the event.

Who supports this event?

The event is totally organized by the Italian C++ Community and it is sponsored by Think-cell and AIV.


Do I need to register?

The Virtual Italian C++ Conference 2020 is free (as all the previous editions) but you must register to be invited to virtual rooms  and to receive session links in advance.

Direct link to (free) tickets here.



See you at the event, safely from home!

PVS-Studio 7.07: Features Overview

The purpose of this article is to give a general overview of the features of the PVS-Studio static analyzer.

PVS-Studio 7.07: Features Overview

by Ekaterina Nikiforova

From the article:

The next command I'd like to talk about is called "Display CWE Codes in Output Window". PVS-Studio is a static application security testing (SAST) tool, which means its warnings can be classified according to the Common Weakness Enumeration (CWE).

Announcing Meeting C++ Trainings!

Meeting C++ Trainings - a site for online trainings launched on Monday:

Announcing the start of Meeting C++ Trainings

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Meeting C++ organizes now its own online trainings, learn C++ from the leading experts!

You can choose trainings from several trainers and participate in the training you need online. Both half day and full day trainings are available. Right now the listed trainings start by mid June and go into July, but soon also Trainings in August and September will be available. My goal is to offer 1-2 Trainings per trainer in one quarter...

Ordering by constraints--Andrzej Krzemieński

Moving to C++20!

Ordering by constraints

by Andrzej Krzemieński

From the article:

In the previous post we have seen how constraint conjunction and disjunction works, and how a function template with constraints is a better match than a function template without constraints (provided that the constraints are satisfied) when determining the best overload. We have also mentioned that selecting a better match from two constrained templates is possible, but not obvious. In this post we will expand on this, and show how constraint conjunction and disjunction as well as concepts play an important role in ordering function overloads and class template specializations based solely on constraints. This is one of the situations where language concepts show their special properties...

GCC 10.1 Released--Jakub Jelinek

The new version is out.

GCC 10.1 Released

by Jakub Jelinek

From the article:

A year has lapsed away since the release of last major
GCC release, more than 33 years passed since the first
public GCC release and the GCC developers survived
repository conversion from SVN to GIT earlier this year.

Today, we are glad to announce another major GCC release, 10.1.

This release makes great progress in the C++20 language support,
both on the compiler and library sides [1], some C2X enhancements,
various optimization enhancements and bug fixes, several new
hardware enablement changes and enhancements to the compiler back-ends
and many other changes.  There is even a new experimental static
analysis pass [2]...

Nifty Fold Expression Tricks--Jonathan Müller

Many things can be done!

Nifty Fold Expression Tricks

by Jonathan Müller

From the article:

Suppose you need to have a variadic function and want to add all arguments together. Before C++17, you need two pseudo-recursive functions:

template <typename H, typename ... T>
auto add(H head, T... tail)
    return head + add(tail...);

template <typename H>
auto add(H head)
    return head;

However, C++17 added fold expressions, making it a one-liner:

template <typename H, typename ... T>
auto add(H head, T... tail)
    return (head + ... + tail);
    // expands to: head + tail[0] + tail[1] + ...

If we’re willing to abuse operator evaluation rules and fold expressions, we can do a lot more. This blog posts collects useful tricks...