Converting Unicode strings to lower and upper cases should be an easy task to accomplish. Unfortunately, that is not the case with C++. Even the so common approach of iterating "char-by-char" in the input string and invoking std::tolower/toupper is wrong. Let's discuss a possible solution to this problem in this article:
How To Convert Unicode Strings to Lower and Upper Case in C++
by Giovanni Dicanio
From the article:
[...] A possible solution to properly convert Unicode strings to lower and upper cases in Windows C++ code is to use the LCMapStringEx Windows API. This is a low-level C interface API.
I wrapped it in higher-level convenient reusable C++ code, available here on GitHub. I organized that code as a header-only library: you can simply include the library header, and invoke the ToStringLower and ToStringUpper helper functions.
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