<img alt="ACCU" data-cke-saved-src="https://isocpp.org/files/img/logo.png" src="https://isocpp.org/files/img/logo.png" 225px;="" height:="" 60px;="" float:="" right;"="" style="float: right;">Programming at compile time has been possible in C++ for a long time. Yongwei Wu considers its past, present, and future.
C++ Compile-Time Programming
by Yongwei Wu
From the article:
Compile-time programming is a key feature of C++. It enables writing high-performance code often unattainable in other languages. This article explores its past, present, and future applications, highlighting the diverse possibilities in C++. We’ll briefly cover template metaprogramming, constexpr, variadic templates, static reflection, and more.
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