October 2024

Constructing Nodes of a Hand-made Linked List, How Hard Can it Be? -- Raymond Chen

RaymondChen_5in-150x150.jpgWhen designing a circular doubly-linked list, the initial challenge is determining how to manage the construction of new nodes in relation to existing ones. While constructors seem like a natural fit for placing nodes before or after a given node, overloading them can lead to ambiguity and poor design choices. Instead, using distinct tag types or factory methods provides clearer intent, ensuring flexibility while respecting the constraints of guaranteed copy elision for node addresses.

Constructing Nodes of a Hand-made Linked List, How Hard Can it Be?

by Raymond Chen

From the article:

Suppose you are writing your own circular doubly-linked list structure.

struct node
    node* prev;
    node* next;

A natural choice for the default constructor is to make the node the sole element of a circular doubly-linked list.

struct node
    node* prev = this;
    node* next = this;

What if you also want to add a node after an existing node? Well, we could add a constructor for that.

struct node
    node* prev = this;
    node* next = this;

    node() = default;

    // Construct a node after a specific node
    node(node* other) : 
     prev->next = this; 
     next->prev = this; 

(Note that the “construct after another node” constructor takes the other node by pointer, rather than by reference, so that it won’t be mistaken for a copy constructor.)

But maybe you also want to have a “before” constructor that inserts the new node before an existing node...

What's So Hard About Class Types as Non-type Template Parameters? -- Barry Revzin

revzin200930.pngPreviously, I tried to answer the question: what’s so hard about constexpr allocation?. Today, we continue what will become a series of posts about attempting to explain the issues behind a bunch of hard problems we’re trying to solve. The next problem: class types as non-type template parameters.

What's So Hard About Class Types as Non-type Template Parameters?

by Barry Revzin

From the article:

Before C++20, the only types you could use as non-type template parameters were scalar types (like int and enums, but not floating point), pointers (including pointers-to-members), and references. Notably, not class types.

Floating point types were also added in C++20.

The hard question about handling class types is: how do you determine template argument equivalence? Class types can define their own equality. But you don’t really want to rely on that, since now matching specializations becomes a quadratic problem — you can’t really do much when determining the instantiation for some template f<x> other than looping through every other value vi to see if x == vi.

The other problem is we need == to really be strong enough. One very easy problem to run into in this space is violating the One Definition Rule (ODR). One essential, core requirement for templates is that instantiating the same template with the same arguments has to yield the same code.


Highlighting the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024

Meeting C++ offers free online and onsite tickets through their student and support programs. This is supported through the ticket sales for Meeting C++ 2024.

Highlighting the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024

by Jens Weller

From the article:

Like every year, I'd like to point towards the programs for those that can't afford to pay for a ticket for Meeting C++ 2024.

And let me start with thanking those that enable these programs through their ticket buying: the attendees and sponsors of Meeting C++ 2024! With the schedule published, I'd like to highlight the student and support tickets for Meeting C++ 2024. For a few years now Meeting C++ has hosted programs to give students, underrepresented folks and those who can't afford a ticket access to the conference.

This year for the first time you can choose to register either for onsite or online for these programs. A limited amount of tickets for Berlin will be available, depending on the ticket sale in October. So incase you registered for onsite but are not chosen for a ticket, then you'll have a chance to an online ticket...