Generic Interfaces with Generic Lambdas using C++ for SYCL -- Georgi Mirazchiyski

This blog post offers a generic description of using lambdas in C++ and how it's possible to use them with SYCL, an open standard interface for programming heterogeneous hardware using C++.

Generic Interfaces with Generic Lambdas using C++ for SYCL

by Georgi Mirazchiyski

From the article:

C++ Lambdas, first introduced in C++11, are an important part of the way that the SYCL standard is defined and implemented. SYCL is required to handle different types and pass around functions so lambdas are a good fit allowing anonymous function objects to be passed to SYCL kernels. We talk about how we use lambdas in our guides and documentation, but never about how lambdas work or even how to use them in SYCL, so in this blog post we will examine how they can be used in SYCL.

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