CppDepend v2019.1 Released including Misra C++ Standard!

We are happy to inform you that CppDepend v2019.1 has been released and is now available for download! CppDepend allows architects and developers to analyze C and C++ code base, customizing your own coding rules, and facilitate refactoring and migration.

CppDepend v2019.1

by CppDepend

About the release:

includes important updates:

  • Misra C++ standard checks:  CppDepend 2019.1 provides now out of the box 90 MISRA guidelines to facilitate code safety, security, portability, and reliability.
  • Plugins execution optimization: in order to get the CppDepend results quickly, the execution of the plugins are now executed in asynchronous mode. Their results will be loaded as soon as the analysis is done.
  • Clang Tidy customization: The Clang tidy tool checks against many standards and guidelines which makes it very slow, To optimize its execution you can now change its command line arguments to check only what you want as guidelines.
  • (Improvement) Many bug fixes and improvements including SonarQube 7.6 compatibility.

Download and enjoy the new version of CppDepend now by clicking here.

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