C++ on Sea: Call for Speakers

The new C++ conference "C++ on Sea" is calling for speakers until end of July.

C++ on Sea: Call for Speakers

by C++ on Sea

From the call:

Kate Gregory and Matt Godbolt are already confirmed as keynote speakers!

So you'd like to present at C++ on Sea? Great! We look forward to and welcome submissions from everyone, including those who might otherwise feel excluded.

We have slots for 60 minute and 90 minute talks, as well as full day workshops (on a dedicated, post-conference, day). 120 minute talks are also possible (by stacking two 60 minute sessions back-to-back), but they should be rare. We will also be running lightning talks on the first evening, and will start accepting proposals for those just before - or at - the conference itself.

We want to put on the best conference possible. While that means we'll look for a good number of experienced speakers, we also feel that it's important to have space in the programme for newer speakers. We want to draw on as diverse a range of contributors as possible - the less your voice is usually heard the more valuable it can be! So we'd also like to make especially clear that people from all backgrounds - minorities or otherwise - are not only welcome, but we will do whatever we can to actively support you. If you have any questions or concerns about this, always feel free to contact us.

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